But Shiva must not fail, no matter what the cost. In his desperation, he reaches out to the ones who have never offered any help to him: the Vayuputras.
The Oath of the Vayuputras is the latest book Amish Tripathi.
The Oath of the Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi
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Shiva is gathering his forces. He reaches the Naga capital, Panchavati, and Evil is finally revealed.
The Neelkanth prepares for a holy war against his true enemy, a man whose name instils dread in the fiercest of warriors.
India convulses under the onslaught of a series of brutal battles. It’s a war for the very soul of the nation. Many will die.
But Shiva must not fail, no matter what the cost. In his desperation, he reaches out to the ones who have never offered any help to him: the Vayuputras.
Will he succeed? And what will be the real cost of battling Evil? To india? And to Shiva’s soul?
Discover the answer to these mysteries in this concluding part of the bestselling Shiva Trilogy.
About the Author
Amish is a 1974-born, IIM (Kolkata)-educated, boring banker turned happy author. The success of his debut book, The Immortals of Meluha (Book 1 of the Shiva Trilogy), encouraged him to give up a fourteen-year old career in financial services to focus on writing. He is passionate about history, mythology and philosophy, finding beauty and meaning in all world religions.
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