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Resources for Writers

how to write an english ghazal

This is a brief description on how to write or not write an English ghazal with its rules and regulations and do’s and don’ts.

From Spark to Story
From Spark to Story
Author Ramendra Kumar says there’s a story idea hiding in everything - from a random conversation on a bus to a social media post. And for it to become a book, you have to “write what you love and love what you write”, says a story by Harshikaa Udasi in The Hindu, December 24, 2019.
How to Write an English Ghazal
How to Write an English Ghazal
This is a brief description on how to write or not write an English ghazal with its rules and regulations and do's and don'ts.
Dr Santosh Bakaya at the TEDx Talks
Writer’s Block – Myth or Not: Santosh Bakaya’s TEDx Talks
What exactly is 'WRITER'S BLOCK' and how can you overcome the syndrome killing your creative output? Dr. Santosh Bakaya, author of the bestselling 'Ballad of Bapu' addresses this question in TEDx Talks and explains it is all in your mind. A remarkable presentation, exclusively intended for aspiring writers.
Make Your Sales Letter Sell: A 6-Point Checklist
Make Your Sales Letter Sell: A 6-Point Checklist
A Smart Business Sales Letter Makes an Impact. Where is the space to read a large sales letter? Embrace the change, accept the challenge and be smart.
The 5W's are Who, When, Where, What and Why. The solitary H refers to How.
Building a Story
A short story is a bit like a giant jigsaw puzzle where each piece is put together by the writer and given as a complete whole to the reader.
Creative Writing - How I Improved My Writing Skills
Creative Writing – How I Improved My Writing Skills
The only major difference is the experienced writer knows the correct mindset to adopt as opposed to the beginner.
Write to please yourself. And find as much pleasure as you can in the company of your work.
Choices Before an Aspiring Writer
Write to please yourself. And find as much pleasure as you can in the company of your work. But don't try to draw others' attention to your work. They shall find nothing in your work to sustain their interest.
The Lady With The Dog and Other Stories by Anton Chekov
The ‘Open Ended Story’
In an open-ended story or narrative, the reader is left to draw her/his conclusions from what is presented to her/him.
It is a natural and artistic technique by which the poet associates words and ideas.
Metaphor: A Play in Poetry
Metaphor is an ornament of poetry. It lends to the word to which it gets associated clarity and exactitude.
The ultimate purpose of every short story writer is to communicate an aspect of the truth of life.
The Writer’s Perception of Truth
The ultimate purpose of every short story writer is to communicate an aspect of the truth of life.
As Rabindranath Tagore has so aptly said -- a short story doesn't end even when it ends.
Writing Short Stories
Of all forms of literature, the short story is perhaps the crest jewel of good writing. It is not too long and therefore ends before one's attention is diverted to something else.
The secret of good writing
The more you write, the better you get at it.
Tools for the New Writer
Agatha Christie, the famous writer of detective stories found that the best times for planning a book was while doing the dishes.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>Make mistakes and learn from them. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Make mistakes and learn from them.