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Children’s Day Special

A beautiful fantasy of a little girl’s dreams that come true because of her golden heart and her love for her ailing naani. Children’s Day Special Story by Ramendra Kumar.

Two Little Babes and an Adventure
Two Little Babes and an Adventure
Two children, Charu and Raghu, dodge a dozing dad to skip out of the house on bright sunny afternoon and explore the world of animals all by themselves.
“Aap Phir Kab Aaoge?”
“Aap Phir Kab Aaoge?”
This Children's Day, breaking away from the norm of visiting schools, Ramendra Kumar spent time with the children in an ‘Observation Home’ which is housed inside a prison campus.
Fairy Tale Country
Fairy Tale Country
A beautiful fantasy of a little girl's dreams that come true because of her golden heart and her love for her ailing naani. Children's Day Special Story by Ramendra Kumar.
Happy Children's Day: Paintings by Preetika
Happy Children’s Day: Paintings by Preetika
Budding artist Preetika paints her favourite pastimes for a Happy Children's Day Special. Learning and Creativity is proud to present our youngest artists and their enthusiastic art work.
" just slips out that you are a greater expert at puddle-jumping than I...” Read this lovely children's story by Ramendra Kumar about a boy who loved puddles, published on the occasion of Children's Day.
Time is not just the calculation of transitory phases in years, but also the assessment of actions, feelings and achievements.
Quote On Concept Of Time By Jawaharlal Nehru
Time is not just the calculation of transitory phases in years, but also the assessment of ACTIONS-the effort we make in life's works; FEELINGS-our state of emotional being and ACHIEVEMENTS-our realisations in life, of life, about life.
In this mechanical world, all of us have become wanderers, trudging continuously, sometimes even without knowing that where we are heading up to.  However, those who get accustomed to this endless journey have no penitence towards being wanderlust.
Quote on Wanderlust by Jawaharlal Nehru
People in this world are wanderers, who go on journeying endlessly, but those who get adapted to this phenomena in life have no regrets about being wanderlust.
For effectiveness of any action, there must be a clear goal deeply imbibed in the doer’s vision.
Quote on Action by Jawaharlal Nehru
A clear and distinct goal enables one to direct one’s efforts towards the accomplishment of the goal in a more organized way. A clear goal induces effectual action towards achievement of success.
"A Child is the father of Man" - William Wordsworth
Pic courtesy - Bachhon Se Baatein by Kedar Sharma
Children, Citizens Of Tomorrow: Jawaharlal Nehru
Take care of children with sensibility and raise them with love and affection because they are our future generation who will take care of the country tomorrow.
Cooking With Kids: Fun Ideas, Recipes For Children's Day
Cooking With Kids: Fun Ideas, Recipes For Children’s Day
Kids LOVE to measure, mix, pour, decorate and eat mouth watering dishes. Yes, it can be messy sometimes but you are building memories alongside skills. So enjoy this children's day some great recipes by Sanjeev Kapoor.
Learn to Make Simple Clown Face Painting
Learn to Make Simple Clown Face Painting
Looking for easy and fun learning face painting ideas? Learn to make simple and easy clown face painting in less than two minutes
A village scene in mosaic painting done with sketch pens
Sketch Pen Paintings
An expression of child's thoughts through sketch pen paintings
How To Make Flowers With Clay Modelling
How To Make Flowers With Clay Modelling
Every child loves to play games, and turning the learning process into a game is one of the most effective fun learning techniques for children. This tutorial shows how to make roses with modeling clay without using any tools other than your hands.
Learn To Make Gandhi Cap
Learn To Make Gandhi Cap
With just half a newspaper you can fold India's National cap - also called the GANDHI cap. This wonderful cap can be made bigger or smaller to fit different head sizes.
If one makes an effort towards a noble cause with dedication and proficiency, in course of time that effort yields to fruition.
Loyal and Efficient Work Bears Fruit – Jawaharlal Nehru
Sincere and competent effort put in a good cause will always be, however delayed, acknowledged and the effort will always bring successful results.
Krishna with the large eyes, the peacock feather, the blue colour and the bright halo
Random Thoughts In Paint
Water colour paintings - just like that!
I dream of a grand big car
I will drive it near and far

All of you climb in fast,
If you don't, you'll be last

There's so much space, 
its like a room,

Can't you hear it roar VRRRROOOOOMMMM....!!!!
My Car, My Dream
I dream of a grand big car I will drive it near and far
"Nanha Munna Rahi Hoon"- Children's Day Song from 'Son Of India'
“Nanha Munna Rahi Hoon”- Children’s Day Song from ‘Son Of India’
Song from 1962 movie Son Of India "Nanha Munna Rahi Hoon"
In life one is given set of options, how one act upon them are as per one's own choice.
Learning Quote on Life by Jawaharlal Nehru
Resembling a card game wherein a hand is dealt with a set of different cards, and the players play according to their own way; Life offers us various opportunities, how we utilize them is our own decision and preference.
Children's Day Special Discounts on Books
Children’s Day Special Discounts on Books has come up with special offers and discounts on children's books as part of Children's Day Special.
Chacha Nehru
Bachcho Se Baatein: Documentary On Jawaharlal Nehru
In this short film, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru tells kids that the needs of children are special and hence special films need to be created for them.
Our world, our life is magnificent with nature’s bequests.  There are plentiful activities and quests which we may pursue, but, to see them we need to look for them with awareness.
Learning Quote on Adventure by Jawaharlal Nehru
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open
The International Children`s Film Festival is also popularly known as The Golden Elephant.
Spotlight On Little Directors at 18th International Children’s Film Festival
For the first time “Little Director” section will showcase films made by children from India and the world in 18th International Children's Film Festival
Culture is broadening of our awareness about our life's surroundings and as well as about the world within us - our soul.
Learning Quote On Culture – Jawaharlal Nehru
The word Culture comes from Latin "cultura amini' which means cultivation of the soul, and thus Jawaharlal Nehru said "Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit"
How to Draw a Rose Easy
How to Draw a Rose Easily
This is an easy way for kids to draw a rose based on simple shapes and curves.
For the mother, it was a proud moment. Her baby had been rocked and soothed by none else but its Chacha.
Chacha Nehru
Nehru decided to play mother to the child. He walked, close to where the child lay, bent, picked the baby in his arms and rocked it gently.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>L&C wishes all its readers and authors a Merry Christmas<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
The journey of life is with many twists and turns. But with faith and courage, no obstacle can stop you from reaching your goals. Keep faith, peace and kindness in your heart, and you shall always shine. Merry Christmas.