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Tales of Lord Jagannath

Lord Jagannath Tales

Goswami’s experience is a fascinating tale of mystery and magic that underscores omnipresence and omnipotence of the Almighty.

Tales of Lord Jagannath: Chera Panhara, The Royal Sweeper
Tales of Lord Jagannath: Chera Panhara, The Royal Sweeper
The tradition of Chera Panhara started by King Purushottama Deva continues to this day. It is the most famous ritual associated with the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. During the festival, the Gajapati King sweeps all around the deities and chariots. He then cleanses the road with a broom (gold-handled) and sprinkles sandalwood water and powder. His action bridges the gap between the rich and the poor, the low caste and the high caste and sends out the very important message of dignity of labour.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Legend of Bandhu Mohanty
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Legend of Bandhu Mohanty
This riveting legend once again stresses on the importance of loyalty. Though Bandhu is subjected to untold miseries he never loses faith in his friend, Lord Jagannath. His steadfast faithfulness is rewarded when the Lord himself comes to his rescue. It is an ageless tale about a timeless value.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: Margashira Guruvar Puja
Tales of Lord Jagannath: Margashira Guruvar Puja
The story of the celebration of Margashira Guruvar puja is a classic tale that espouses caste and gender equality.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Tale of Mania Das
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Tale of Mania Das
The story illustrates that for Lord Jagannath, it is the dedication of the devotee alone that matters, not his or her elegance or stature or position. Mania was of low caste, barely clad and crude, awkward and uncouth in his worship, yet the Lord recognised his pristine devotion and took him into his fold. In modern times style is far more importance than substance and external appearance has become more vital than intrinsic values. Today a person is recognised by what he has than what he is. In such a scenario, the love Lord Jagannath bestows on Mania can be a real source of learning and inspiration.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: Experience of Goswami Tulsidas
Tales of Lord Jagannath: Experience of Goswami Tulsidas
Goswami’s experience is a fascinating tale of mystery and magic that underscores omnipresence and omnipotence of the Almighty.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Anecdote of Arjun Mishra
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Anecdote of Arjun Mishra
This interesting anecdote brings to life a simple truth: never, ever doubt the word of the Lord. Good and bad happen with his will. He rewards patience and faith and as long as these virtues are there the end will be a fulfilling one.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Account of Ganapati Bhatta
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Account of Ganapati Bhatta
The story behind the appearance of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra in Ganapati Vesha at the Snana Mandap.
The Saga of Salbeg
The Saga of Salbeg
In the present times, prejudice and disharmony rule the world. The story of Bhakta Salbeg stands as a testimony to the universal values of love, peace and tolerance.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Story of Dasia Bauri
Tales of Lord Jagannath: The Story of Dasia Bauri
This story illustrates the power of faith. One night Dasia and his family had nothing to eat. Lord Jagannath appeared at the gate in disguise asking for food.
After travelling quite some distance, Vidyapati found he had lost his way in a forest.
Tales of Lord Jagannath: In Search of the Divine
King Indradyumna epitomises faith, devotion, commitment and a never say die spirit. In spite of all odds he never wavered from its resolve and ultimately succeeded in his mission. The present day child should be exposed to these time cherished values so that she grows up into an individual who believes in the power of the mind and the strength of the soul.
Jagannath Culture: A Way of Life
Jagannath Culture: A Way of Life
Jagannath Culture offers an elevating and enchanting collage of philosophy, literature, wisdom and lots more. It covers the entire gamut from timeless tales to ageless credos. It provides to the young generation a glimpse of our rich and glorious heritage as well as paradigms of value. To commemorate the Rath Yatra, Learning and Creativity presents 10 Tales of Lord Jagannath written by Ramendra Kumar. Ramendra Kumar has been doing research on Jagannath Culture for more than a decade. What makes this book unique is that though these tales have been around for centuries in oral form, they have not found a place in any anthology for children in English. Besides, subtly interwoven in each of these stories is a value which is relevant even today. The anthology thus aims to enthrall as well as elevate by offering the children eternal tales with a contemporary sensibility.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>Hope is what keeps us going through difficult times. Have faith and you will survive. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Hope is what keeps us going through difficult times. Have faith and you will survive.