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Morning Meanderings

85 love and only love

Valentine’s Day, the day of love has come and gone. But hope stays alive of a utopian world where love rules and hatred gets a drubbing every day.

To Do or Not To Do
To Do or Not To Do
Don't do this, don't go there, don't chase the butterflies...! Santosh Bakaya spots a bunch of confused dogs with their equally confused masters where everything that the dogs attempt to do was something which is not to be done.
Arm in Arm
Arm in Arm
Saving the head here and mending the arm there, Santosh Bakaya encounters a bunch of adventures on her morning meanderings.
Love and Only Love
Love and Only Love
Valentine's Day, the day of love has come and gone. But hope stays alive of a utopian world where love rules and hatred gets a drubbing every day.
Come Join My Happy Song
Come Join My Happy Song
A brawl peppered with resounding bawls and supported by a background chorus of barks greets Santosh Bakaya as she steps gingerly out in the foggy morning. But soon it turns into a happy song. :)
The Tug
The Tug
On a cold, foggy morning, when the masters walk their dogs in the mist, Santosh Bakaya goes for a reluctant walk only to find a friendly tug at her heartstrings.
A Brave New Beginning
A Brave New Beginning
While the inviting warmth of the quilt makes you snuggle in deeper to beat the cold, the world outside is waking up to a brave new beginnings. Santosh Bakaya crawls out to find that spring is round the corner!
Little People, Big Hearts
Little People, Big Hearts
Innocence has the unfathomable power to make any inhibitions or fear crumble. Our little people give us big lessons of life, from their innocent hearts.
The Great Cuddle
The Great Cuddle
Cricketers go for the great HUDDLE to strategize how to beat the opponent. The great CUDDLE is to strategize about how to beat the cold.
Ordinary Man Extraordinary Mission
Ordinary Man Extraordinary Mission
The ordinary man's extraordinary mission suddenly made Santosh Bakaya realise there is so much yet to do and so little time.
A New Surefootedness
A New Surefootedness
As the glistening curtain of the fog slowly lifted up, the New Year just waited in the shadows sheathed in the shimmering glow of love and peace.
The Lingering Aroma
The Lingering Aroma
In these days of cut-throat corporate competition and hostile business feuds, two tea vendors prove there can be friendship above business interests.
Hell Over Helmet Amid Smiling Santa Caps
Hell Over Helmet Amid Smiling Santa Caps
As the wasteful Dirty Dozen find their lost helmet in a sink with a bag of uneatan food, Santa caps bring in the Christmas cheer for the ragpicker kids. Its Christmas and you celebrate it the way you wish to.
The Milkman’s Daughter
The Milkman’s Daughter
The pestering milkman of "Ekbar try maar lo, madam" fame has a daughter who rekindles Santosh Bakaya's faith in humanity with her compassionate gesture.
When Will the Babies Come?
When Will the Babies Come?
An innocent 5 year old's disgust at the big fat Indian weddings and their unabashed show of wealth holds up a mirror to the sad paradox facing us today.
The Awesome Mess
The Awesome Mess
It takes a certain ability and concerted efforts over a period of time to build up an awe inspiring mess. And to live in it with attitude!
The Rainbow
The Rainbow
A child's innocent smile that is free of the baggage of unpleasant memories can light up your clouded sky like a rainbow, when you are grappling with your inner self.
The Sisters
The Sisters
As human beings, we impulsively feel the need to connect sometimes with total strangers. A mystical affinity builds up instantly and the stranger becomes a friend.
My Cup of Tea
My Cup of Tea
A young girl gives Santosh Bakaya her own mug of tea and happily picks up an 'ordinary' cup for herself. The warmth in her gesture makes the author forget the winter chill.
A Handful of Joy
A Handful of Joy
Children never lose their knack of conjuring moments of pure joy from thin air even as another grueling daily routine begins.
The Second Track
The Second Track
An incessant drill in our mind that runs a hyperactive parallel line of thought, keeps feeding us everything from comic relief memories to panic button anxiety attacks in nano seconds.
Love in the Time of Nightmares
Love in the Time of Nightmares
Struggling to shake off a nightmare? Rewind to love, which has the power to banish all demons, the worst of nightmares and negativities.
The Sparkle of Love
The Sparkle of Love
“I think that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.” Vincent Van Gogh's words ring true as the lights of Diwali spread love and affection, bringing on the smile on every face.
Songs of Freedom
Songs of Freedom
Songs of freedom are all around, we just need to listen. Santosh Bakaya enjoys the redemption songs that float in the air, in animals, plants and people.
The Rat Race
The Rat Race
Rats are part of every day life. From chasing rats and catching rats to being part of the rat race, there is no escape from them, physically, metaphorically or literally.
Take Me Home
Take Me Home
Home sweet home is where you belong. Those who are away pine to go back. Those who don't have a home, make a home wherever they are. And there are many for whom the sky is the roof.
The Rising
The Rising
The yawners and their yawns, the back-slapping workers getting ready for a day of back-breaking work - every morning is a new rising.
Jugaad (The Quickfix Solution)
Jugaad (The Quickfix Solution)
In India, we are known famously for our unmatched 'jugaad' skills or the ability to fix up a solution out of nowhere, which are often wildly creative.
A Fistful of Happiness
A Fistful of Happiness
A fistful of happiness can really make a difference, be it a hungry old man or a baby sparrow lost in the storm. Lend a helping hand when life offers you this blessing.
Apna Time Aayega (My Time Will Come)
Apna Time Aayega (My Time Will Come)
A dream keeps us moving ahead. And "hope springs eternal" in the human heart and says, my time will come.
The Writing on the Wall
The Writing on the Wall
Love is indeed all that matters. Let us all be love mongers and go where love is!
Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Dogs can show off their power at a noisy war and yet can also be shooed away by cawing crows. Its a strange world.
Be That Lake
Be That Lake
Being positive is a choice. You can be a little lake, rippling with water even in the midst of dull and dry land if you decide to hold the rainwater.
The Lonely Goatherd
The Lonely Goatherd
Having lost a little lamb, a sad and lonely goatherd finds empathy in a stray pup who has had a close look at the hard world in its young life.
Being Human
Being Human
It is human nature to jump to assumptions, conclusions and pass judgments in nano seconds. A small incident can reveal many facets of the human character in the space of a few minutes.
Of Lying Roosters and Pecking Crows
Of Lying Roosters and Pecking Crows
A crowing rooster sends Santosh Bakaya down memory lane, recalling the morning wake up calls and cock-a-doodle-doos from back home in Kashmir to present home in Jaipur. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊
Junoon (The Obsession)
Junoon (The Obsession)
There are thousands of obsessions. Santosh Bakaya discovers two - one of Kanchan's and one of her own as the amused Bulbuls chirp and sing in merriment. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Man on the Ramshackle Bicycle
The Man on the Ramshackle Bicycle
A man trying to keep his balance on his ramshackle bicycle sings the philosophy of life. Another one cribs and curses to balance his cycle. Its up to you to add coloured feathers to your wheel or make do with rusted spokes in the cycle of life. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Dreams for my Daughters
Dreams for my Daughters
"Both my daughters are very intelligent, very fond of books. My husband says, we will make them study a lot, I don’t want them to be illiterate like us.” Little dreams have the power to grow big and become beautiful reality when you cherish your daughters. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Power of the Snore
The Power of the Snore
A typical line in mystery stories will be something like, "The scream tore through the stillness of the night." But have we read, "The snore tore through the stillness of the night" too often? Both are impactful sound effects but while the former creates suspense, the latter tickles you pink. Santosh Bakaya looks at the vicissitudes of the power-packed snore. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
There are moments in life when freedom can come to you in one spurt, leaving you free of all doubts, apprehensions, cynicism and misgivings, even if for a split second. Enjoy that moment in time! Happy Independence Day! Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
A Hole in the Bucket
A Hole in the Bucket
A hole in the bucket is not just about a hole but reflects a whole lot of holes that need to be plugged in life - from potholes to manholes to pocketholes... And there are some holes that should happily stay that way. Santosh Bakaya goes on an expedition to understand the whole thing about holes. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The chattering classes love to whine about all that is wrong with the world including garbage pile ups and the next moment add their bit to the increasing waste wealth. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Roseate Streak
The Roseate Streak
Just like King Dushyant saved Shakuntala from the bee, a daring young man saves Santosh Bakaya from well, not a bee, but a tadpole. And before the tadpole could turn into a prince, her saviour sends it off on a new journey. Life is all about misses and saves. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Pulsating Positivities
The Pulsating Positivities
August is green, and the heart is now a lush garden, where even the frogs and the grasshoppers smile at you, only if you stop to notice their joy. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Being Happy Without a Reason
Being Happy Without a Reason
Being happy means different things to different people. The real thing for Santosh Bakaya is to soak into the magic around and breathe in the fragrant air. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Ragpickers' Rain Dance
The Ragpickers’ Rain Dance
It rained and rained and they danced and danced, sloshing in the puddles that had soon formed all around them. The Ragpickers Rain Dance lent a sparkle to the morning. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Jaadu ki Jhappi (The Magical Hug)
Jaadu ki Jhappi (The Magical Hug)
A jaadu ki jhappi is enough to wash away the blues of life, if even for a few seconds. A handful of love, a fistful of warmth, a guileless smile, a shoulder to cry on and the golden shower from above is all that one needs to get through in life. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
The Great Sales ‘Pitch’
The Great Sales ‘Pitch’
“Madam Ji, aapney socha kya, try maarne ke baare mein?" Santosh Bakaya's aspiring milk vendor has been driving an aggressive sales campaign to make her his customer. His latest sales pitch ends up like a fielder diving to catch the ball. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Rekindled Dreams
Rekindled Dreams
Dreams are touch and go for people who toil with blood and sweat day and night. They can break like fragile glass and the next moment can burn bright again as a newly formed wax candle. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Everyone in India is a cricket expert. Team India may have tumbled out of the World Cup 2019 but there has been no slowdown in the postmortem being done by devastated fans. On the flip side, gully cricket continues at fever pitch. "Howzzzat?" resounds. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Happy Faces
Happy Faces
A bunch of happy faces make the morning brighter. The cheerful camaraderie all around shows the way to a good day. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Romance in the Rain
Romance in the Rain
The rain clouds have put everyone in a romantic mood. Santosh Bakaya wonders at the beauty and romance all around, even on the back of a rumbling truck. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Not a Day for Grandparents
Not a Day for Grandparents
Grandparents are the go-to people, the quiet, unassuming support system that works on its own autopilot, untiringly, opening up the blocked channels so that the children can have a better life. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Talking of Love
Talking of Love
And sometimes when the night is slow The wretched and the meek We gather up our hearts and go A thousand kisses deep. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Humour in Humidity
Humour in Humidity
From disrupted and dislodged plastic bags to ritual circumambulation of the tulsi plant, from walking the dog to a dog and hen collision - a rainy morning wrapped in humidity, has a collage of colourful, freshly washed sights to offer. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
Twin Glowworms
Twin Glowworms
Glowworms abound around us, reinforcing our belief that it is a beautiful world we live in, but only if we care to see. Clasping two glowworms to her overwhelmed heart, Santosh Bakaya gets ready to conquer another day. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. 😊 ☕️
What feline grace! How unfazed! How cool! Ah, had Macavity been finally found? Santosh Bakaya finds out. Enjoy Morning Meanderings with a hot cup of tea or coffee and some cookies to munch on the food for thought. :)
The Poor Man’s Rich Entertainment
The Poor Man’s Rich Entertainment
Entertainment is all around us, in small measure and big dollops. Even a simple game of cards can turn into a wrestling match in no time. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Taming of the Shrews
Taming of the Shrews
All your spite and power, can get soggy in a moment's shower. Nature is the great equaliser. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Mother and Child
Mother and Child
The bond between a mother and child is inexplicable. It transcends all barriers, obstacles and situations. Santosh Bakaya realizes how a few moments of separation from her child can make the world collapse for the mother. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Bird Woman
The Bird Woman
There are unsung heroes around us who are relentlessly waging a lone and courageous struggle to get through life. Most often we don't notice them. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The reprimand of fathers is often enough to shake kids out of their reverie and make them dive for cover. A cute incident sends Santosh Bakaya on a trip down memory lane, recalling her childhood escapades of trying to avoid the chores and getting nicely pulled up by her father. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Those Hillocks of Memory
Those Hillocks of Memory
Amid the jungle of concrete and two little children fascinated by a shard of glass, Santosh Bakaya's mind floats back to the memories of hillocks, big and small that made a perfect picture postcard scene just a little away from the boundary wall of her University campus. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
A Sense of Balance
A Sense of Balance
Who is the real ghar ka chirag? A post-doctoral scholar may not be half as educated as an illiterate housemaid when it comes to deciding who is the 'light of your family'. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Beating the Heat
Beating the Heat
Is Churu hotter than Jaipur? As the cities sizzle, people try to beat the heat in whichever way they can and sugarcane juice comes as a much needed relief. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Falling in Love with the Intruder
Falling in Love with the Intruder
An intruder comes knocking at the door one morning and his irresistible charm and loyalty makes the author's heart melt. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
A little boy's trousers dance away in the boisterous breeze. And then a miracle comes to his rescue. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
A sky full of clouds, swaying trees, singing koels and squawking peacocks make the morning fresh and fragrant with even the leaf trying to say something. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Sun and the Son
The Sun and the Son
Marveling at the resuscitating powers of a mother’s love, Santosh Bakaya watches a bawling baby turn into a happy bundle of chortles under a smiling sun. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Mango Fixation
The Mango Fixation
Summer signals the advent of mangoes. And the fixation to have as many as you can accommodate - some eat, some drink, some suck on an unpeeled mango with much ado and noise. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Rise and Shine!
Rise and Shine!
A lazy morning has its own charm, everything moves at a languid pace and yet the world thrives with beauty. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Blackmailers
The Blackmailers
The struggle of two three-year-olds against the injustice of being packed off to school to become scholars. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Sizzling Simian Spunk!
Sizzling Simian Spunk!
A socially conscientious monkey gives two men lessons in appropriate social behaviour. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Magic of Rain
The Magic of Rain
In this rain- drenched piece, Santosh Bakaya wonders about the magical powers of rain, how it infuses energy in everyone – even the birds and animals are not left untouched. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Santosh Bakaya wonders at the invisible painter up there, splashing bright hues on two lovebirds, while their heart-warming sight brings out the darker side of people around. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Try Maar Lo!
Try Maar Lo!
A hilarious incident where we witness a milkman yearning to drench the author with the milk of human kindness (!), and the author's plight. This piece is going to tickle your funny bone! Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Same to Same
Same to Same
Santosh Bakaya takes a dig at our skewed priorities and at the universal mindset of peeping into celebrities’ lives and callously ignoring the invisibles of society. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Credit: Thamizhpparithi Maari/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0
The Marigold Scented Rain
A young couple struggle to light their sigri in a rain-washed morning as the lapwing flutters around and a dull dog watches halfheartedly. Life chugs on a new course as the sun rises. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Blow Hot Blow Cold
Blow Hot Blow Cold
Among life's many chases are those that happen to recover things taken away, even if it is a humble towel. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Tinged With Pure Joy
Tinged With Pure Joy
Two adorable toddlers play near their roadside shack as their mother cooks lunch on a makeshift chulha - each life has its own way of finding joy. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Poochho Kyun?
Poochho Kyun?
Even before you can ask "kyun", pat comes the answer to "poochho kyun?". The Superwoman, a squirrel on steroids, is more practical and grounded than many so-called intelligent people. Morning Meanderings is a musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Don't You Know What MUNCH is?
Don’t You Know What MUNCH is?
The morning begins differently for each one. 'Munch' can be far away from munching and chocolates for some.
So Many Books!
So Many Books!
Watching two tiny human chunks, shunned and ignored by the stiff-upper-lipped society, clowning around, Santosh Bakaya is delighted to see the rays of the early morning sun falling on these two gems of ‘purest ray serene’ and hugging them tight. Everything is not lost. On World Book Day (23rd April), she wonders how books amaze children who don't have access to them. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
The Old Man and the Dog
The Old Man and the Dog
Life can be pretty mundane and lacklustre, but the power of love can work wonders. In this Morning Meandering, Santosh Bakaya tells us how canine affection brings a complete metamorphosis in a shabby old man. Love, in any form, has great magical powers. Morning Meanderings is a popular musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of tea. :)
Thunder, Lightning and Rain
Thunder, Lightning and Rain
A rainy day – the sort of day that makes kids burst into a jig, and poets into a poetic tizzy. Louder, louder grows the rumbling, and the frogs gradually lose their croaks. The emergent sun, a pink ball of muted fire, probably intimidated by this cloudy bellicosity, hides behind a strip of lavender-tinted cloud. Morning Meanderings is a popular musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of coffee :)
Our Daily Bread
Our Daily Bread
The slogging labourers, the tea-seller, the egg-seller, the dog hiding the piece of roti and the sweepress - they leave no stone unturned in order to satisfy the pangs of hunger. The labourers leave the comfort of their houses, so do the birds and animals. All for those notorious hunger pangs. With sharp strokes of her pen, the writer recreates the following scene which she witnesses during her morning walk . Morning Meanderings is a popular musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of coffee. :)
When Cookies Just Crumbled in the Mouth
When Cookies Just Crumbled in the Mouth
Hey, who was that in the distance, that tiny speck peddling away in my direction? I rubbed my eyes, trying to see clearly. A tin box welded to a creaking, ramshackle bicycle, and wonderful smells erupting from the box. A man hunched over the bicycle, humming an old off-key song and peddling away. The breadvala of yesteryears had appeared. Morning Meanderings is a popular musings column by Dr Santosh Bakaya. Enjoy her jottings with a hot cup of coffee :)

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
― Yannick Heywang<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang