Luxury is looking at cats and kittens, at dogs and pups. Enjoy Episode 13 of Santosh Bakaya’s ever popular Morning Meanderings Season 4 – your favourite morning read with your morning coffee! ☕ Heartwarming episodes that will make your Thursday mornings extra special! ☀️📆 🎉
It was raining cats and dogs, literally. Not on me, but in front of me.
The moment I stepped out of the house, two cats from the left and three pups from the right ambushed me.
The cats were aggressive looking and they glared and growled in all their whiskered malevolence, bent on reducing me to gore!
“Give me a little way to pass, fat cat.”
Had it read my lips? It meowed a catty rejoinder:
“Don’t you dare call me a fat cat.
I am just not fat, not even a brat!
I have never chased a weak rat.
So how can you call me a brat?”
What a Cat-e-gorical response to a poor human stepping out of the house for an innocent morning walk!
One naughty pup was spunky enough to pull the stoutest cat’s tail, but the cat showed not an iota of interest in the pup’s pranks. It continued to behave as if it was not fat, not even a brat!
Then the furry puppies came bounding towards me – feisty and frolicsome. They were in a mood to play with me. A couple of them jumped into my arms as I bent down. The rest frolicked around my feet. I got busy managing the “catwalk”.
With both my hands full, my phone beeped.
It was a message from Lalit.
“I had milk and cats for breakfast!”
What! Cats for breakfast? OMG! What is he up to in my absence? A week away from home and my husband turns into a Cattibal!
In my obsession with cats, I had read Oats as cats! What a catastrophe stared me in the face!
So, leaving the pups and kittens to their own devices, in a catatonic stupor, I headed home to write a plethora of cattarels (Catterel is a word I picked from my friend Nick Victor) and doggerels. Doggerels, of course, were always my forte!
When I retraced my steps towards my house, two cats were loyally following me. They looked up at me and purred (or so I thought)
“We felines have a certain mystique
Tell us human, what you seek?
We are enigmatic
And charismatic
Looking forward to meet next week.”
Morning Meanderings Season 4 – the weekly column by Santosh Bakaya
I have always been an ardent admirer of Clint Eastwood, the 94-year-old legendary actor, and always keep an eye on what he is up to.
I love his words and try to follow them.
“Don’t look for luxury in watches or bracelets, don’t look for luxury in villas or sailboats!
Luxury is laughter and friends,
luxury is rain on your face,
luxury is hugs and kisses.
Luxury is being loved by people.
Luxury is what money can’t buy.”
To that let me add, luxury is not even ‘A Fistful of Dollars’, luxury is looking at cats and kittens, at dogs and pups, luxury is putting words in their mouths, luxury is becoming a part of their escapades, luxury is to watch them playing in the rain – while it rains cats and dogs!
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