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Literature DIY

how to write an english ghazal

This is a brief description on how to write or not write an English ghazal with its rules and regulations and do’s and don’ts.

How to Write an English Ghazal
How to Write an English Ghazal
This is a brief description on how to write or not write an English ghazal with its rules and regulations and do's and don'ts.
All About Imagery
All About Imagery
For those who don't know the kinds of Imagery used in Poetry, that there are more than the known five based on the five senses that you can use, here is a brief kind of rule of the thumb, with examples all from one poem, which makes it fascinating, the poem being John Keats's Ode to Autumn.
Tyger Tyger
Tyger Tyger
What matters is the soul and spirit of the "Tyger" and not its brawn, to Blake. An indepth study of the iconic poem by Dr AV Koshy.
Paradiso (Pic: Illustration by Gustave Doré,
Lectures on Literary Criticism – V (Italy and Dante)
The contribution of Italy and Dante to literature and literary criticism cannot be negated. Literature is studied here from a Eurocentric base.
Śāntam: Peace, Serenity or Tranquility (Added by Abhinavagupta) Pic: Google Image Search
A Digression
This article compares and uses Sanskrit and Dravidian Indian literary criticism with Grecian criticism on English texts, with examples from India mixed in too.
These busts of the Ancient Greek theatrical writers Euripides, Aeschylus and Sophocles are in front of the National Garden and were moved from Kotzia square in Athens.
(Pic: Wikimedia CC0)
Classical Criticism – A Peek into Roman Criticism
Roman criticism and poetry influenced great writers like James Joyce and Ezra Pound and although not as reputed as the critiques of Plato and Aristotle, continues to be a beacon for most masters of literature who look up to these critics for their precision of thought.
Notes on Literary Criticism - Part III
Notes on Literary Criticism – Part III
In this essay on literary criticism, Dr Ampat Koshy analyses the words used in Greek for their category of four loves. It later became part of the Western world view too, through Christianity.
Dr Faustus
Notes on Literary Criticism – Part II
Plato’s opinion regarding a text was that it should be didactic. It should instruct society. But Aristotle questioned Plato’s opinions. He strongly affirmed that a text should be purely aesthetic. Therefore, each critic constructs a different frame around the text.
The School of Athens by Raffaello Sanzio, 1509, showing Plato (left) and Aristotle (right)
showing Plato (left), pointing up to the ideals, and Aristotle (right), reaching out towards the physical world. (Pic: Wikimedia Commons)
Notes On Literary Criticism by Dr A V Koshy
The whole concept of literary criticism arises, maybe, out of a question: On what basis do we judge a book/text as being better than another book/text? Is it subjective, based on one’s personal opinion, or objective; based on a set of parameters? Or both?
Afrocentricity's advocate in U.S.A.
Writing, Theory and the Making of Verse.
I prefer using simpler words like writing for literature, making for creating, verse for poetry and thinking for theory.
Curating Micro-narratives: The New Creativity
Curating Micro-narratives: The New Creativity
Creators will not create original work but engage in curating already existing work to CREATE ORIGINALITY.
Wrighteings: In Media Res 
by Ampat V. Koshy
Indian English Literature, Literary Criticism and Theory
While speaking on the present scenario what one has to concentrate on is not "tradition and the individual talent" anymore or whether one's poems are a "spontaneous overflow of emotions recollected in tranquility" or not but something much deeper, which is the philosophical question of what criticism should do today.
Meena Alexander
Keralite Writing in English – II
Why I respect the best Keralite writing... is because it often has this kind of a 'subversive' edge, writers famous and unknown, like O.V. Vijayan.
Poetry and Keralite Writing in English - 1
Poetry and Keralite Writing in English – 1
The truth is Kerala has always had, like Bengal, Orissa, Kashmir and many other parts of India, an excellent crop of writers in English. They excel in criticism and poetry, mainly, not to mention novel writing and short stories.
Langston Hughes House in Harlem
How To Enjoy a Poem: Taking the example of Langston Hughes’ “Harlem” or “A Dream Deferred .”
We enjoy a poem by looking at its author, the relevant biographical material, the context, the form and structure, the figures of speech, the musical devices, the imagery, the style and the content.
Harold Bloom
(Pic courtesy
This column is called Literature DIY for a reason, it suggests that teaching oneself for a lifetime is the best method of learning and excelling at the lonely art of reading, thinking or analyzing or writing, where there seem to be no rules.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>There is no way to peace, peace is the way. - A.J. Muste             <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
"There is no way to peace, peace is the way." - A.J. Muste