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Fun Learning

How I Dived into Glass Painting

A DIY glass painting adventure sparked by a shattered prayer cabinet panel. Our reluctant artist Rachna channels her inner Van Gogh, armed with third-grade art credentials and family’s skeptical support. 🎨Spoiler: She becomes “world famous” at home!😁

How I Dived into Glass Painting
How I Dived into Glass Painting
A DIY glass painting adventure sparked by a shattered prayer cabinet panel. Our reluctant artist Rachna channels her inner Van Gogh, armed with third-grade art credentials and family's skeptical support. 🎨Spoiler: She becomes "world famous" at home!😁
10 Things That You Can Do on Indepedence Day
10 Things That You Can Do on Indepedence Day
Discover 10 exciting ways to celebrate Independence Day from flag hoisting ceremonies and watching movies to exploring historic monuments.
Safety in Cyberspace
Safety in Cyberspace
The limitless cyberworld has its own challenges of security and safety for the users. Ramendra Kumar's short story outlines some of the essential safety precautions we must follow to enjoy the benefits of the internet.
Kolkata: The City of Kool!
Kolkata: The City of Kool!
Renowned children's writer Ramendra Kumar held creative writings sessions in two Kolkata schools and a bookstore and promptly named Kolkata, the City of Kool! Just as he was charmed by the enthusiasm of the children, his young audience couldn't have enough of him!
The Sultan of Storytelling
The Sultan of Storytelling
Renowned children's author Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) had a "rollicking time" at the Sharjah Children's Reading Festival 2019 (SCRF), spinning yarns, conducting story telling sessions and interacting with vibrant minds in various schools in Sharjah and Abu Dhabi. He takes us on a thrilling journey of eating, talking, dreaming stories with kids and also a glimpse into how this fabulous festival treated him. Learning and Creativity presents LnC Special Edition of Ghost Stories by Children that came out of Ramen's sessions at the SCRF 2019.
Hungama in HLF with Ghost Stories by School Children
Hungama in HLF with Ghost Stories by School Children
Hyderabad Literary Festival (HLF) is one of the most popular LitFests in the country. It is held in my alma mater, the iconic Hyderabad Public School. HLF, which focussed on plenary sessions, cultural events, stage talks, poetry recitals  et al, also had a  slot earmarked  for children. Very sweetly titled Nanha Nukkad it comprised a series of events on varied themes. I conducted a workshop called ‘Spinning a Yarn’ devoted to story writing. Presenting a selection of the imaginative stories that emerged!
After each of the sessions I was besieged by autograph hunters.
CCLF–2016: Uber Cool and Ultra Creative
Ramendra Kumar writes about the engaging Creative Writing Workshop and Story Telling Sessions at Chandigarh Children’s Literature Festival CCLF 2016.
Paint it with fabric paints available in your neighbourhood market and you would have created a boutique tee, absolutely unique!
How To Turn An Ordinary Tee Into A Boutique Tee
Debasish Bhattacharya shares some easy and simple fabric painting tips. Find out how to paint your own ordinary Tee and turn it into a unique T-shirt.
Decorate Pumpkin with bows made with bow making tool
5 Surefire Tips to Create DIY Halloween Crafts
On Halloween, involve your kids in trying out craft ideas to let them manifest their creativity. Check out these great craft ideas and learn how you can create wonderful, spooky Halloween items with crafting tools and easy-to-do DIY bow-makers.
Sachin Is...
Sachin Is…
Sachin is inspiration. He inspires hope, team spirit, focus and determination.
How To Make A Lava Lamp - Easy Science Experiments
How To Make A Lava Lamp – Easy Science Experiments
If you're looking for some fun and easy science experiments for kids then you've come to the right place. This video shows how to make a Lava lamp easily at your home.
How To Make A Bouncing Ball- Easy Science Experiments
How To Make A Bouncing Ball- Easy Science Experiments
Kids are born scientists and love to experiment now and then. These easy science experiments are fun for kids to learn all about the world around them.
How To Make A Christmas Tree Cupcake
How To Make A Christmas Tree Cupcake
Get creative this Christmas by trying delicious and mouthwatering Christmas Tree Cupcake that will impress your friends and family. This classic recipe will instantly evoke warm Christmas memories.
Easy To Make Origami Christmas Tree And Christmas Greeting Cards
Easy To Make Origami Christmas Tree And Christmas Greeting Cards
Children love making their own Christmas tree. We present here some great how to make Christmas tree with paper and with the Origami art.
How To Make 3D Christmas Cards
How To Make 3D Christmas Cards
Christmas is almost here. Spread the joys and good wishes to your friends and family by sending them these hand made cards.
20 Imaginative Ideas For Christmas Bulletin Board
20 Imaginative Ideas For Christmas Bulletin Board
Christmas is undoubtedly one of the most awaited festivals of the year. Bulletin board has always been the best medium for children to showcase and enjoy their imagination.
How To Make Christmas Baubles
How To Make Christmas Baubles
Christmas home decorations are the main thing that gives life and color to our home every season and specially if its Easy-to-make home made decorations. These Christmas Baubles guarantee to brighten the holiday season!
How To Make A Snowman
How To Make A Snowman
Kids & Moms don't wait for a snowy day to have some wintertime fun! You and your kids can make a snowman anytime with this festive craft ideas.
How To Make An Origami Santa Claus
How To Make An Origami Santa Claus
It is said, that Santa brings gifts to the good children on Christmas Eve. He makes a list of what the kids want to receive for Christmas, and delivers these presents according to their behavior throughout the year.
How To Make A Paper Christmas Tree
How To Make A Paper Christmas Tree
If you're looking for a way to do something crafty with your time, here's how to make a paper Christmas tree.
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The Way
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The Way
Which Christmas song is your favorite? Here we present the top 15 songs capturing the essence of this joyous season. Sit back and enjoy the wonderful music of Christmas with your loved ones.
Some Extra-Special Christmas Gift Ideas
Some Extra-Special Christmas Gift Ideas
Are you looking for some extra-special ideas for all those people on your holiday list?Have fun watching these Inexpensive Christmas Gift Ideas.
Learn Colors And Decorate The Christmas Tree
Learn Colors And Decorate The Christmas Tree
This Christmas Learning colors will be so much fun.Great Train theme will help your child remember colors even faster. So Enjoy and have fun
Working Wonders with Paper and Scissor
How to Create Artistic Tessellations
Sharing with you how can you make tessellations yourself following some simple steps.
Cooking With Kids: Fun Ideas, Recipes For Children's Day
Cooking With Kids: Fun Ideas, Recipes For Children’s Day
Kids LOVE to measure, mix, pour, decorate and eat mouth watering dishes. Yes, it can be messy sometimes but you are building memories alongside skills. So enjoy this children's day some great recipes by Sanjeev Kapoor.
Learn to Make Simple Clown Face Painting
Learn to Make Simple Clown Face Painting
Looking for easy and fun learning face painting ideas? Learn to make simple and easy clown face painting in less than two minutes
How To Make Flowers With Clay Modelling
How To Make Flowers With Clay Modelling
Every child loves to play games, and turning the learning process into a game is one of the most effective fun learning techniques for children. This tutorial shows how to make roses with modeling clay without using any tools other than your hands.
Learn To Make Gandhi Cap
Learn To Make Gandhi Cap
With just half a newspaper you can fold India's National cap - also called the GANDHI cap. This wonderful cap can be made bigger or smaller to fit different head sizes.
Water Glass Magic Trick
Water Glass Magic Trick
Check out the magic in video & shock your friends by simple tricks.
How to Boil Water in Paper
How to Boil Water in Paper
Check out this magical trick showing how to boil water in paper. Enjoy!!
Drawing a Palm Peacock
Drawing a Palm Peacock
An Easy creation for kids-- To make peacock with the help of palm.
More Amazing Science Stunts
Amazing Science Stunts
Amazing Science Stunts
Bending the light - physics experiment
Bending the Light – Physics Experiment
This is an interesting experiment to show the total reflection.
Drawing a pig
How to Draw a Pig
A Step by step video to show how to draw a pig so easily. Enjoy!!
Drawing a Duck with the help of number 2
How to Draw a Duck Using Number 2
An Easy creation for kids-- To make ducks with the help of Number 2.
How to Draw a Rose Easy
How to Draw a Rose Easily
This is an easy way for kids to draw a rose based on simple shapes and curves.
Alphabet song by the monkey
Alphabet song by the monkey
Teach your children the alphabet with this fun video with an animated monkey that sings the alphabet song.
Alphabet Song | ABC Song
Alphabet Song | ABC Song
Fun Teaching is a great way to teach and learn the alphabet, phonics, letter sounds.
Kid Snippets: "Art Class"
Kid Snippets: “Art Class”
The video is displaying a creative "Art Class" for little kids.
How to Make Tulip Flowers with Alphabets
How to Make Tulip Flowers with Alphabets
An Easy creation for kids-- To make tulip flowers with the help of alphabets.
Solar System Animation Video for Kids Knowledge
Solar System Animation Video for Kids Knowledge
In this educational video children can learn about Sun and its family of eight planets.
Parts of a Flower
Parts of a Flower – Knowledge for kids about flower
Flowers can be made up of different parts, but there are few parts that are basic.
How is a Rainbow Formed?
How is a Rainbow Formed? Science Experiment for Kids
The video is displaying, How is a Rainbow Formed?
How do light bulbs work
How do light bulbs work – Science for kids
The video is displaying about the working of a light bulb.
Knowledge about Bacteria
Science for Kids – Knowledge about Bacteria
Important information for the kids: Knowledge about Bacteria
Life Cycle Video
Science for Kids – Life Cycle Video
Life Cycle is the sequence of the transfer of food energy from one organism to another.
Siddhant Verma (right) explaining the solar power apparatus in an exhibition
Many Advantages of Solar Power
Solar Power comes from the word ‘solar’ which means ‘sun’. This is a resource which never gets finished. There are many resources which get finished...
Easy Kids Science Experiments DENSITY TOWER
Easy Kids Science Experiments DENSITY TOWER
The video is displaying Easy Kids Science Experiments DENSITY TOWER
Glowing Water: Easy Science Experiments for Kids
Glowing Water: Easy Science Experiments for Kids
The video is displaying, Glowing Water: Easy Science Experiments for Kids
Dry Ice Fun - Cool Science Experiments
Dry Ice Fun | Cool Science Experiments
In this video display: Easy way to safety create erupting smoke-filled bubbles.
Easy Science Experiments For Children To Do At Home
Easy Science Experiments For Children To Do At Home
Easy science experiments for children...make a quick and fun zip line with balloons, straws, and string.
Easy Kids Science Experiments Balloon Blow Up
Easy Kids Science Experiments Balloon Blow Up
In this video display Easy Kids Science Experiments Balloon Blow Up.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
~ Aristotle <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~ Aristotle