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Yellow Strawberries

THE TOWNHALL Yellow Strawberries Part-4 Short Story - Prosenjit (LnC)

The doting Dad takes his daughters to an office meeting. An honest and candid exchange of opinions and ideas follows with his eldest daughter after the meeting. They both leave the premises feeling evolved and reformed.

Yellow Strawberries is a candid and sweet anthology of short stories about doting parents and their two little daughters in today’s tech-driven age.

Yellow Strawberries — Part 5: Zorro's Birthday
Yellow Strawberries — Part 5: Zorro’s Birthday
It's the day they have all been waiting for — the Doting Dad, the Multitasking Mom, the hyperactive Jhilik and her unruffled sister Riya. It's the day the Earth spins ultra-fast and pandemonium reigns supreme. It is Zorro's birthday! Yellow Strawberries is a candid and sweet anthology of short stories about doting parents and their two little daughters in today's tech-driven age.
Yellow Strawberries — Part 4: The Townhall
Yellow Strawberries — Part 4: The Townhall
The doting Dad takes his daughters to an office meeting. An honest and candid exchange of opinions and ideas follows with his eldest daughter after the meeting. They both leave the premises feeling evolved and reformed. Yellow Strawberries is a candid and sweet anthology of short stories about doting parents and their two little daughters in today's tech-driven age.
Yellow Strawberries — Part 3: The Outdoors
Yellow Strawberries — Part 3: The Outdoors
The Doting Dad recounts another episode in the lives of his daughters. This time, the action takes place outdoors — in a mall, on a picnic, during a long drive. Yellow Strawberries is a candid and sweet anthology of short stories about doting parents and their two little daughters in today's tech-driven age.
Yellow Strawberries — Part 2
Yellow Strawberries — Part 2
The rollercoaster ride with the kids continues. Along with an open window to their topsy-turvy world, the kids also provide a peek into the life and choices of their doting Dad. Continued from Part -1 of the Short Story by Prosenjit Purkait
Yellow Strawberries — Part 1
Yellow Strawberries — Part 1
Four guests. Seven children. An aggressive pet. And two preoccupied parents. All present inside a Delhi apartment. A doting dad’s rollicking account of the antics of his two daughters on a given day. Yellow Strawberries is a candid and sweet anthology of short stories about doting parents and their two little daughters in today's tech-driven age.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open