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Art and Verses: Rhythm Divine Collaborates with Woman Scream 2016

Kushal Poddar’s Poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine’s collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, initiated in Madrid, Spain.

Woman Scream International Poetry & Arts Festival 2018 at Presidency
Woman Scream International Poetry & Arts Festival 2018 at Presidency
LnC features Woman Scream 2018 Poetry and Arts Festival in Presidency University, Kolkata which has been celebrated in the city by Rhythm Divine Poets. The movement had first started by poet and activist Jael Uribe in Dominican Republic. The festival focuses on issues that deal with gender-based violence, equality, feminism and humanism.
6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival, Kolkata: Event Report
6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival, Kolkata: Event Report
The recently celebrated 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival, Kolkata, which took the city by storm on March 26, 2015, was a grand follow-up to the international...
Two Women
Two Women
You and I At a strange time Could have been one Two variants of an atomic soul Same yet different Shaped by different storms Weathered we are But we still love the rains And...
Two Poems on Womanhood by Shirani Rajapakse
Two Poems on Womanhood by Shirani Rajapakse
Poetry on womanhood by Sri Lankan poet Shirani Rajapakse as part of Rhythm Divine, Kolkata's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.
Heart-Headed People
Heart-Headed People
Aiman Abdullah's poetry on womanhood as part of the 6th Woman International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, in collaboration with Rhythm Divine, Kolkata.
Lore of Womanhood
Lore of Womanhood
Sana Mohammed's poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.
I Am Not Your Victim
I Am Not Your Victim
Himadri Agarwal's poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.
'Black' and 'I Am Alive': by Sufia Khatoon
‘Black’ and ‘I Am Alive’: by Sufia Khatoon
Poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.
Death of a Soul
Death of a Soul
Ritesh Agarwal's poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, initiated by Jael Uribe.
Interviewing Kushal Poddar and Amit Shankar Saha about Woman Scream 2016, and their role in the International Movement
Interviewing Kushal Poddar and Amit Shankar Saha about Woman Scream 2016, and their role in the International Movement
Interviewing poets of Rhythm Divine about Woman Scream International art and Poetry Festival 2016
Interview with Sufia Khatoon: Rhythm Divine Collaborates with 6th Woman Scream
Interview with Sufia Khatoon: Rhythm Divine Collaborates with 6th Woman Scream
Interviewing Sufia Khatoon, Co-founder, Rhythm Divine for the the Kolkata chapter of Woman Scream 2016
Who Am I
Who Am I
Anindita Bose's Poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, initiated in Madrid, Spain.
Questioning Stereotypes and A Wish
Radhika Mall's poetry on womanhood as part of the 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, in collaboration with Rhythm Divine, Kolkata
Unraping Marriage
Unraping Marriage
Shreyatama Datta's poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.
Verses on a Woman
Verses on a Woman
Kushal Poddar's Poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, initiated in Madrid, Spain.
Being a Woman
Being a Woman
Poetry on womanhood as part of Rhythm Divine's collaboration with 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
~ Aristotle <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~ Aristotle