In the absence of any formal art training, Rekha Dey, a housewife from Kolkata, chose the internet as her teacher, making optimum utilization of it, thus opening herself to a new world of art and craft. The DIY videos on the internet inspired her during the lockdown. She used scraps to craft idols of Ma Durga along with idols of Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesh and Kartik to celebrate Durga Puja.
The nip in the air and the azure sky take Lekha Sengupta back to her childhood days of Puja festivities. A short, ruminative essay on the auspicious occasion of the upcoming Durga puja.
On the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya and Navaratri that marks the homecoming of Goddess Durga, Learning and Creativity presents a special picture story by two Dallas-based creative minds.
As talented artist Kusumika Ganguly, an artist and teacher based in Dallas, Texas, gives her beautifully soothing touch of artistry to a painting of Ma Durga, Durga Durgati Nashini, the supreme woman power of Hindu mythology on the auspicious eve of Mahalaya, the initiation of Devi Paksha, author Lopamudra Banerjee complements the painting with her memoir on how she perceives Uma and Durga and herself as a woman staying in the foreign shores, ten thousand miles away from her Bengali hometown. The piece is from the Durga series of her book 'Woman And Her Muse'.
Durga's appurtenance, the Lion has a horse face at Dutta Bari, Balaram De Street, Kolkata, where the Ghosh family is carrying forward a rich tradition of Bonedi Barir Durga Puja for 134 years.
Durga Puja celebration in Kolkata lets us experience different genres of art and craftsmanship.
The Sree Bhumi Durga Puja 2013 in Kolkata witnessed a display of jewellery valued at Rs 4 crores.
Theme pandals of Durga Puja 2013 - Chittaranjan Park
Saw a new Kolkata today on Saptami... Fell in love anew with the old, pristine and classical Kolkata. Some pujas that have for long faded away from limelight, some which still continue to be counted among the most popular....I present here a tour of the "Bonedi Barir Pujo 2013 Kolkata"
Mayur Vihar Phase 1 Durga Pujas are known for their splendor and theme based pandals
Durga Puja is observed and celebrated for 5 days which are known as Shashthi, Maha Saptami, Maha Ashtami, Maha Navami and Vijayadashami.
Painting competition for 2013 Durga Puja held at Antaranga, Mayur Vihar, Delhi
In recent years, the Pujas of Delhi have been trying to adopt the concept of theme based pandals, albeit at a smaller scale but with no less enthusiasm.
Durga Puja also known as Sharadotsav in Bengali, is a celebration of Hindu goddess Durga.
Durga puja is the biggest festival in East India, and celebrates the arrival of Goddess Durga accompanied by her four children Ganesh, Kartik, Lakshmi and Saraswati on earth to visit her parents.