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Autism Awareness Poems Special Edition

A strong, succinct editorial note about the Autism Special Edition I of ‘Learning and Creativity’, defining the purpose behind curating and publishing this edition and introducing the poets/contributors.

Healing Effects of Dance and Movement Therapy in Autism: In Conversation with Dr. Aditi Bandyopadhyay
Healing Effects of Dance and Movement Therapy in Autism: In Conversation with Dr. Aditi Bandyopadhyay
Dr. Aditi Bandyopadhyay, a physician of medicine with a parallel identity as an Odissi dancer and as dance and movement therapy, practitioner, has been actively involved as an advocate for rights of persons with Autism and other neuro-developmental delays. She speaks about the new vistas opening up in dance and movement therapy and music for helping children with Autism and special needs.
A poem in picture for Autism Awareness
Picture Poem
A rare and memorable picture poem by Michele Baron for the Autism Special Edition of 'Learning and Creativity'
Matthew's Poem for 'Baba' (Grandmother)
Matthew’s Poem for ‘Baba’ (Grandmother)
A sensitive poem written by Matthew Vance who has Autism himself. He wrote this 6 years ago, right after his Grandfather passed away from Alzheimer’s. He gave it to his Grandmother to comfort her.
Can you hear music with your heart, Which bound in unseen, intangible waves , From golden fleeces of clouds in lofty mountains that part, A choir of cherubs that your soul in wonder enslaves
A soulful and sensitively penned poem on autistic children, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'
Will she ever be able to die in peace leaving behind this blue rose
A very sensitively penned poem for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
They deserve to adore earth's creation
A very thoughtful and emotionally charged poem depicting the life of an autistic child, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
Unfurling your wings to flyTo those heights where love,The law of life prevails.
Autistic Divine Beings
A sensitive poem honouring and celebrating differently abled children, for the Autism Special Edition I of Learning & Creativity
I love the butterflies, the birds,So what if I have no words?
Mommy, Were You Weeping Today?
A sensitive poem for the Autism Special Edition of 'Learning & Creativity'
Song of an Autist
Song of an Autist
A strong, hard-hitting poem on autistic children, for the Autism Special Edition I
Normal Child
Normal Child
A sensitive poem dedicated to children with autism for the Autism Special Edition I of Learning and Creativity.
The Colorful Boy
The Colorful Boy
Sensitive and powerful poetic depiction of a boy with autism, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
Silence of the Sun
Silence of the Sun
A sensitive poem depicting the life of an autistic child, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
A Different World
A Different World
A thoughtful poem about a differently abled child with autism, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'
Learn from Me
Learn from Me
A sensitively depicted poetic piece on the life of an autistic child, and the difference he can make to the world, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
A Slice Of My Life
A Slice Of My Life
A poetic depiction of the life of a special needs child, a child living with autism, for the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity'.
Celebrating and honouring the special life and the special abilities of a child with autism, for the Autism Special Edition of 'Learning and Creativity'.
A hard-hitting poem on the life of an autistic child and his parents for the Autism Special Edition I, building Autism Awareness through poetry.
Autism Awareness Special Edition 1: Editor's Note
Autism Awareness Special Edition 1: Editor’s Note
A strong, succinct editorial note about the Autism Special Edition I of 'Learning and Creativity', defining the purpose behind curating and publishing this edition and introducing the poets/contributors.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>Take care of children with sensibility and raise them with love and affection because they are our future generation who will take care of the country tomorrow.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Take care of children with sensibility and raise them with love and affection because they are our future generation who will take care of the country tomorrow.