A sensuous, divine expression of romantic love, which is born out of a poetic collaboration between D. Russel Micnhimer and Nalini Priyadarshini.
Let me put the brightest piece of moon
On your tongue
And lick the crumbs clean from your lips
Leave my laughter there instead
So I come back for it later and
Watch you sleep, arm
Splayed across your brow
Hand curled in a loose fist.
I’ll encircle you with calm
Sprinkle stardust around
and melt with you.
As I sleep
I taste a silver wafer
dance across my tongue
like a doughnut
with glittering sugar dusting
your tongue brushing across my lips
and taste buds of my dreams.
I snooze on
dreaming of kisses mixing
in a single cup of coffee
in our dawn.
Read more stellar poems in our Poetry Month Special Edition
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Simply… WOW!
Thank you so much Jitu.
Great imagery!
Much love and gratitude, Reena
This is just beautiful.
The poem flowing in like a young river taking taking imaginations to the fairytale lands where everything is possible.
Magical!! That is the word that describes this. Loved every bit of it, as if the taste of that moon is still lingering on my tongue and my heart asks for more of this.
Thank you so much Priyank for reading and this wonderful feedback.