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I Shall Bid No Farewell: Poem in Translation

April 29, 2015

This is a collection of two poems, originally written in Nepali by celebrated poet Suman Pokhrel and translated in English by another literary great, Dr. Abhi Subedi. Both the poems depict the unflinching passion and the beautiful sense of pathos lurking in the lines.


which lake will these loves cross again?

Fell in love with these hearts and this soil
these houses, these walls and streets.

Living a fraction of time somehow
from the fringes of life
I realised some dreams
have lodged in these eyes
some hearts have entered the heart.

Well, didn’t find life as anything special!

What heart touched is what is touched
what heart experienced is what is experienced
where heart lived is what is lived.

When will this time come up again?
where will these faces be seen again?
where will these hearts be met again?
when will these flowers of affection
bloom forth again
within such proximity of a garland?


which lake will these loves cross again?
where will these cool rivers of goodwill flow again?
where will these hills of faith stand again!

How far will such warm retreats give shelters
to hide troubled hearts unnoticed
without breaking,
like bird hiding eggs in nest?

I shall not go anywhere from here,
leaving these loves more than hearts.
I shall not cross these watercourses!
I cannot go away
leaving these hearts
that accommodate me entirely.

I shall not go out at all
given that my love is here
shall always stay attached to these hearts
I shall never bid farewell to this place!

But I have to send this body
anyhow from here.

Read the other poem of this collection May I Not See Dreams

About Author
Rhiti Bose
Suman Pokhrel (Poet)

Suman Pokhrel, born on September 21, 1967, is a multilingual Nepali poet, lyricist and translator as well as an artist. He is one of the finest Nepali poets today known for innovative style and grace. He has acclaimed collections of poems in Nepali entitled ‘Soonya Mutuko Dhadkanbhitra’ (1999) (Within the Beats of Beat less Heart) and Jeevanko Chheubaata (From the Bank of Life) (2010) and collections of marvelous songs called Hazaar Aankha Yee Aankhama (Thousands of Eyes onto these Eyes) (2001) to his credit.

Suman Pokhrel is an important creative voice of South Asia. He is a poet with a strong tender voice. He partakes in the mundane aspect of life with a passion that makes his reader to elevate to a higher self. The impressionable images created by him allow his readers to introspect. His poems revolve around the nuances of life. The play around his choice of words creates magic in the minds of his readers. Pokhrel’s lyrics are marked for their musical qualities and literary verve

Pokhrel’s poems are published in various poetry journals and anthologies nationally and internationally. Pokhrel is the only poet to be awarded with prestigious SAARC Literary Award twice. He received this award in years 2013 and 2015.

Rhiti Bose
Abhi Subedi (Translator)

Born in Terathum of eastern Nepal, Prof. Dr. Abhi Subedi received his higher education in Nepal and Britain. He is an essayist, critic, linguist, playwright, translator and poet. He has over two- dozen books on different subjects to his credit. Among his over 10 plays, strong theatre groups in Nepal and abroad have performed several of them. Professor Subedi has taught for 40 years at the Central Department of English. He is vice-President of the Nepali Folklore Society of Nepal. He is the founding former President of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) UNESCO from 2000—2008 and member of International Playwright’s Forum from 2000-2011. Subedi became President (1990-1992) and two times General Secretary of the Linguistic Society of Nepal. He was also President of the Literary Association of Nepal. He is vice-President of the Nepal Folklore Society and member of International Association of Theatre Critics. He is involved in a number of interdisciplinary study groups and a prolific writer on issues of freedom, culture, literature, arts and social transformations. His essays and seminar papers are published in Nepal and outside.

Read more stellar poems in our Poetry Month Special Edition

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Take care of children with sensibility and raise them with love and affection because they are our future generation who will take care of the country tomorrow.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Take care of children with sensibility and raise them with love and affection because they are our future generation who will take care of the country tomorrow.