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Holiday Review: Engaging, Pacy, Action Packed Thriller

June 10, 2014 | By

Watch Holiday for Akshay who delivers big enough to make it a one man show – high voltage stunts, style, fights, chases and heart pumping action.

holidayCast: Akshay Kumar, Sonakshi Sinha, Govinda, Zakir Hussain, Freddy Daruwala
Director: A.R. Murugadoss
Producer: Twinkle Khanna, Vipul Shah
Music: Pritam Chakraborty
Rating : 3.75/5 (averaged with friends)

Holiday is an engaging, pacy, action packed thriller, worth spending your Working Day too!

Having watched the original ‘Thupakki’ twice, I had little reason to go on Holiday. But Akshay outdoes superstar Vijay in most scenes with his machoism and charisma.

The only actor who stands up to the Khan brigade, Akshay has possibly given his best performance here – even better than S26. This is far cry from his days of working with Priyadarshan or for rubbish big banner comedies.

Whenever Bollywood lets Southie directors remake their classics, results are much better than Bolly counterpart attempts. Holiday shines throughout, barring the unimpressive support cast, and odd dollops of romance, songs.

Sonakshi is mastering the work of doing one standard role in x amount movies – that of a bimbette wooing a macho man. Nothing wrong in that. Deepika Padukone too has achieved success playing the same party girl in as many movies.

Sonakshi is average, Zakir Hussain’s talents are wasted, Govinda is miscast in a role Johnny Lever would have sleepwalked, but biggest blunder was not taking Vidyut Jamwal – the electric villain in the original.

Director Murugadoss’s pun on newcomer Freddy Daruwala (whose face resembles a mix of young Irfan Pathan and Jackky Bhagnani) falls flat and his B-grade lover boy hero looks was never going to be a match to Akshay.

Sumeet Raghavan as the side kick is exceptional, though, and pure joy to watch.

Watch Holiday for Akshay who delivers big enough to make it a one man show – high voltage stunts, style, fights, chases and heart pumping action. The sequence where he saves five girls is at par with the finest from Bollywood this century, right alongside Dabangg‘s platform fight sequence.

Box Office: Weekday Singapore evening had 50% capacity crowd enjoying the movie. Am sure a packed hall in India would have been cheering, clapping and rallying behind Akki. 125cr+ is on the way, rightly so.

Avijit Das Patnaik is Administrator of Moviemaniacs Facebook Group. The opinions shared by the reviewers are their personal opinions and does not reflect the collective opinion of Moviemaniacs Facebook Group or Learning and Creativity emagazine.

HOLIDAY Theatrical Trailer | Akshay Kumar, Sonakshi Sinha

Avijit Das Patnaik is a banker by profession, network marketeer by choice, frequent traveller by rule, mad about sports by religion, socially active, foodie, stand up comedian (even while sitting) and Moviemaniac by diet.
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