This is a collection of two poems, originally written in Nepali by celebrated poet Suman Pokhrel and translated in English by another literary great, Dr. Abhi Subedi. Both the poems depict the unflinching passion and the beautiful sense of pathos lurking in the lines.
Poetry Month Special
May I get so drunk that
I forgot even my own self
and did not see any dreams this night!
May I not see dream
each night
like the tousled waking moment
that goes demolishing me
more than itself.
May those
countless ferocity of newspapers,
the violent voices
exploding from television and radio,
sounds that uproot ears,
scenes that leave eyes unblinking
pushing them to the limits of sorrow,
feelings that flee
leaving broken hearts behind,
never come to my dreams
with their unruly crowd’s
loud naked processions!
May those dreams of
buildings reduced to rubbles,
river flowing into flames,
coloured scenes of hopes
turning into ashes
by mixing with fake funs and frolics,
not come to tease me
with such results!
Dreams becoming debris
even when they are constructed,
river of peacefulness
turning into flames while flowing,
colourful scenes of hopes
turning into ashes mixing
with non-existent pageantry,
dreams that bring such results
don’t come to tease me!
May those dreams
that muddy the entire time,
more insincere than
an essay on dishonesty,
ferocious like present day’s reality,
complex like seven lives entangled into one,
longer than nights of separation,
continue to flow
into some black-hole.
May this night come
wearing drunk cloak of love,
carrying passionate desires,
and intoxications of love!
Tonight, may I get so drunk in love that
I do not see any dreams!
Read the other poem of this collection I Shall Bid No Farewell
Read more stellar poems in our Poetry Month Special Edition
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