A mistimed kick turns into a yoga asana. Enjoy Episode 17 of Santosh Bakaya’s ever popular Morning Meanderings Season 4 – your favourite morning read with your morning coffee! ☕ Heartwarming episodes that will make your Thursday mornings extra special! ☀️📆 🎉
The skeletal six sat under a shady tree, sharing two bidis. Then one of them, who was dressed in rags, plodded towards the peanut-seller and bought a very small packet of peanuts—probably for five rupees, and then the six of them happily shared the peanut packet. One peanut fell on the ground, and one of the six men picked it up and gobbled it up with alacrity, smiling triumphantly at the rest of them.
This was a scene I witnessed last afternoon, and it was etched on the walls of my heart.
The next morning saw me at the gym, where there was a group of people of different physiques, vigorously working out—some on the treadmill, some on the cross trainer, some cycling and others doing abdominal exercises, trying to burn last night’s calorie intake.
Paunches jiggled on the treadmill, and my mind kept going back to the skeletal six and the packet of peanuts. With what pleasure they were partaking of the meagre snacks, faces wreathed in contented smiles.
The yoga class was in the open today, on the turfed terrace, and was being conducted amongst a lot of banter and bonhomie. The 5:30 am breeze caressed us encouragingly, humming morning songs, changing pitch and tenor with every inhalation and exhalation of breath.
In the east, the sun was slowly revealing itself, and in the west, a tiny myna hopped around on the wall of the gym creating a mini storm.
“Can’t you move your leg properly?” The yoga instructor admonished the slothful, sleepy person, who appeared least interested in the exercise and was probably singing an elegy about his truncated sleep.
“Iska paanv bhari hai, Sir,” said the stocky, naughty teenager who was always up to some mischief, and the whole group burst into loud laughter.
“TERA paanv bhari hoga! Mote!” This triggered a calamitous surge of energy in the slothful person.
With incredible agility, he lifted his leg to kick the naughty teenager. In so doing, he lost his balance and stumbled onto the ground. It was time for serendipity to strike. He lay sprawled in an accidental yogic posture—one hand under his head, another one clutching the floor and stomach flat on the ground.
“Three cheers!” The entire group applauded him for his deft yogic posture of Bhujangasana!
“That is very good! Excellent! Now place your hands under your face… join your legs and stretch your arms. Yes… You are doing great,” remarked the young coach with great gusto, admiration pouring out of his eyes. The accidental Bhugangasana enthusiast was still contemplating whether to feel happy or sad about his unplanned yoga that was winning applause.
I watched this unfolding of greatness, bemused.
Inspired by the exercising humans, a tiny sparrow with a chirp and a tweet hung on one of the ropes and started swinging.
“Now, let’s clap properly. Loud and proper. Yes, that’s better,” the coach said with a smile. The Bhujangasana demonstrator decided to start collecting his arms and legs and put them back in place. It’s not every day that his workouts get so much appreciation.
The sparrow thought the applause was for its swinging skills, and its swinging assumed greater speed and its chirps became louder.
A tiny, golden kitten appeared from somewhere and walked up to one of the mats, where sat a teenager with “Cute Kitten” emblazoned on her shirt.
“Purrfect!” meowed the kitten and sauntered off, the sunrays touching its whiskers tenderly.
“What a cute kitten!” remarked the happy teenager, looking affectionately at the kitten, who had turned more golden as the sun was now a strong presence in the east.
The two squabblers headed out, smiling, their arms draped around each other’s shoulders. Sleep and sloth no more a part of their personalities. No mutual recrimination or side remarks about “paanv bhari.”
Only a spring in their walk, and huge smiles on their faces.
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