A collection of wistful poems by Sushant Thapa exploring the intimate landscapes of human emotion, solitude, creativity, and existential reflections.
Books & My Thoughts
I love to sit around books.
I will wait for any words
To be inked
As long as they accompany me,
And conquer my thoughts and
Set them free.
Ruled by Clowns
I need reason,
I need rhyme,
Only when the Piper’s down
And one who rules is the clown.
I don’t want to become a wall clock and age
Bouquet of Life or Death
Take me to the journey,
Lift me out of life.
I don’t want to become a wall clock and age
When I can be a wallflower
And get plucked in happiness
And sorrow,
Being a bouquet of life
Or white consolation spread
Over the grave.
When Words Make Love
These abstract words,
These exclamatory feelings,
These blue inked love letters
And first stolen glances,
They make up a fine
Exchanges of heart.
Also, when words make love
A Poet is born.
Cup of Loneliness
Let it play
And move you
To the core of the game.
It will be easy
Once you get habituated.
Silence has a cost
Unless it makes you
Less lonely.
I go by the river
And cast away
My empty gazes
That yield the zero.
I am a bizarre coherence,
I seek help
In enmity.
Is this the cup of loneliness?
More Must Read on LnC
A Poetic Elegy: ‘Rabihara’ — Kazi Nazrul’s Ode to Tagore
Three Poems — On Autism, Memories and Spring
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