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3 Poems – Powerless, Our Universe and Death

June 23, 2022 | By

The Symphony of My Words is a collection of poems by Krishti Khandelwal, a 12-year-old little girl who started playing with ink, emotions, words and imaginations in the lockdown. LnC presents three poems from the collection.


A lake of tears about to get overload,
Blood-boiling anger about to blow out,

Panorama International Literature Festival 2022

Panorama International Literature Festival 2022 poster featuring Krishti Khandelwal

But you can’t express it at all.
What is this even all about?

Something heavy clutches your heart,
Pain increases more, but you can’t let it pass.
It’s like being an ant, small and insignificant,
The others step over you and couldn’t care less.

‘Is this gonna last forever?’
The thought runs inside.
The fear of being powerless,
Cannot be left aside.

Having no control,
Having no choice ,
Having no way of turning everything
Back to being nice.

Being powerless is awful.
It fills us with stress,
It makes us feel more anxious,
It makes us feel helpless.

No matter how much you try,
You can’t get even a little control.
You feel even more overwhelmed,
And you feel like a defeated soul.


Our Universe

There are things out there in reality

The world we live in,
Shall never cease to amaze us.
Its beauty is permanent,
As we discover new things,
While the others we can only guess.

Something is always happening,
Both bad and good.
Even though everything has logic,
Some things might never be understood.

Our universe speaks in a language,
Of logic and creativity,
With many problems and paradoxes,
And there’s us people struggling for unity.

We live in a universe with no center,
That continues to infinity,
That still has so much undiscovered,
That we all might need to see.

There are things out there in reality,
That we humans might not be built to comprehend.
Answers might still be out there,
Of the questions, we still don’t know yet.

Our reality is like a magical world,
Of chaos and order.
With so much to learn and figure out,
And a whole lot to discover.



It is the inevitable truth
It is unavoidable
It is the fear of many
To be permanently unavailable


We’d turn into flowers

One day, we’ll be gone
One day, we won’t be us
One day, we would return to what we were
One day, we’d be dust

One day, we’ll all be in the soil,
Or floating in the air
We’d turn into flowers
Or just be everywhere

But it’ll be impossible to be absolutely gone
We’d always be there, even in a storm
Since information cannot be destroyed,
It can only be changed into another form

We’d still be somewhere in the universe
Reincarnated into another creature
We can’t be truly erased forever
That’s the universe’s feature

Whatever I wrote is true
Whatever I wrote that you read
So don’t tear up at all
It’s impossible to be completely dead


About Krishti’s Book

The Symphony of My Words

The Symphony of My Words is a collection of poems by Krishti Khandelwal, a 12-year-old little girl who started playing with ink, emotions, words and imaginations in the lockdown. These poems have touched hearts of a lot of poets and intellectuals who were not only amazed by the depth and maturity of her thoughts on various subjects but also her control and clarity in expressing them.

The book is enriched with a lot of flavors. Some of the poems are short & sweet filled with emotions, where as some poems need to be enjoyed sip by sip for their soul awakening moments.

This book is a real work of optimism as all the poems were written in the time of lockdown. Her poems give out a lot of positive energy for everyone to successfully ride through this difficult period of their life brought about by the pandemic.

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I Want to Live All Over Again

Diaries from a Post-Pandemic World

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To Die

Krishti Khandelwal is a 12-year-old little girl who started playing with ink, emotions, words and imaginations in the lockdown. She has recently released her debut book The Symphony of My Words, a collection of poems of all flavours.
All Posts of Krishti Khandelwal

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Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Restricted patterns of thoughts penetrate our efforts and constrain our existence which stops our development. Phases in our life are like the plateaus (highlands), the steps towards success.  We should not remain on the steps; to progress, we must go beyond them.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Restricted patterns of thoughts penetrate our efforts and constrain our existence which stops our development. Phases in our life are like the plateaus (highlands), the steps towards success. We should not remain on the steps; to progress, we must go beyond them.