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How to Get the Right Door and Door Handle for Your Home

February 24, 2019 | By

The front door is a significant portion of your home, something which a visitor sees first thing they enter. The front door of your home is a reflection of your style. Check how a well-crafted door handle, door knob or ring pull can make a difference to your door.

stainless steel door pull

The door pull grasps the door firmly and compliments the overall design of the door

Possibly the most visible element of your home is the front door. It is easily the most used door in the house and faces the brutalities of weather more than any other door. Not only should your front door be tough but it should also match the color and structure of the rest of your home. One more good reason to upgrade your front door is that you get to increase the resale value of your house.

Doors made of Wood

H type door handle

Prima door pull installed to a door

A door should be at once inviting and sturdy. Your door frame can be made of wood, metal or glass. Paneled doors are readily available at most hardware stores with plywood or block board panels. You may make the door more ornamental by designing the panel with creative colors or motifs. Glass panels are less common though they are most versatile in terms of designs you can draw upon them. Only buy these if your home is in a high security neighborhood. You may also use metal grills on another more secure door for a stylish faux look.

Metal Doors

Metal doors are ideal for industrial or grunge complexes. They are quite suitable for modern condominiums as well once they’ve been painted right. Reinforced steel doors can keep all threats away. Steel doors can be cold rolled moderate steel for greater quality and precision crafting. Metal doors may be solid or hollow.

You can also opt for wood shutters on steel frames. These are in fact gaining in popularity as they provide an economical alternative to fancy wooden frames.

H-Type door pul

Elegant H-Type door pull handles in stainless steel. The Ladder type round back to back handles lend a touch of sophistication to the door

Other Material

Other options for door materials include PVC, fiberboard, fiberglass, aluminum or even, bamboo. Typically doors swing on hinges but you can also design a pivot in the middle. Uber-modern homes made of glass typically have sliding doors for easier access. You may also have two pieces to your door in French style with hinges on either side. Or if you fancy one, you can get a Dutch door with top and bottom halves opening separately.

Going by interior design recommendations on fiberglass-composite doors are excellent low-maintenance and energy saving options. They are not affected by harsh or humid weather. They also keep heat and cold out so that less energy is required by your home heating systems.

Choosing the right Door Handle and Door Knob

Along with your door, you will need a solid well-crafted door knob, door handle or ring pull. These are some of the most worn out items on your door and often subject to great punishment. Door knobs are also usually the most mismatched item on DIY home renovation shopping lists. Before you buy your door knob you should picture in your mind a twisting knob and a handle. Decide which one sits better on your door and your exteriors. Ask yourself how much security you need. Take a look at the colors outside and inside your home. Also, keep in mind that the cabinet door handle design for kitchen and bathroom can also synchronize with your door handles, door knobs and ring pulls.

cabinet door handles, door knobs and ring pulls

Synchronize your door handles with your cabinet door handles, door knobs and ring pulls

“Buy a doorknob or door handle that’s smooth to the touch and feels like solid weight in your hands. The simpler it looks the hardier it’s going to be. If you’re buying a knob then check for dents or grooves, that indicate poor handling and finish. Secondly, it should have an easy fitting key. There should be no jerks when you turn the key in or out. Thirdly, your knob or handle should be easy for you to install. When you hold the knob in your hands, you should be able to picture yourself turning the knob or handle to enter your sanctum. It should automatically give you a cozy and snug feeling to the touch”, says Upender Talwar, owner of the leading hardware store, Prima Decorative Hardware, which specializes in high quality hardware for home, office and commercial construction in Canada and United States. Prima, for example, offers high quality brass door levers and multi point lock trims.

On occasion, over simplicity can mean you get locked out by accident. Make sure that your DIY door handle is sturdy and ergonomic by design. Explore all color options. Dark colors usually match oak brown to give your home a quiet and elegant look. Get shopping for your perfect door handles and door knobs now!

Homemaker, Wife, Mother, Blogger, Freelancer, Health & Fitness freak based in Dallas, TX, United States. I work as a freelancer on projects and I review products, whatever I find interesting and of great use. From crafts tools, business tools, exercise equipment to gadgets and household items, I enjoy unboxing and reviewing products that are innovative and of high quality. My reviews are published in several online magazines and journals. Contact for professional and honest reviews of your products.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang