If there is one time in the year when you love to do up your home with all the creative home décor ideas it is Diwali.
If there is one time in the year when you love to do up your home with all the creative home décor ideas it is Diwali.
Beaded Candle T-Lite Lantern from FashionAndYou
The 5-day Festival of Lights is all about not only doing up your home with lights, but also shopping for new clothes and accessories, changing the home décor with new furnishings, a fresh coat of paint and decoration pieces and of course, about indulging in the choicest delicacies, sweets and the ubiquitous dry fruits.
Needless to say, there is no dearth of ideas for doing up your home. Your budget can be either small or sizeable. Creativity does not necessarily depend on the money you can afford to spend.
You can make beautiful home decor with simple colourful rangolis, flowers or even paper quill art or use exquisite brass lamps, scented candles and beads.
We look at a few easy to do Diwali home décor ideas that you can implement without fuss or fortune.
Rangoli: Try to avoid those stick-on Rangolis. Create a design of your choice (you can take the help of some stencils if you need). Put in the colors and along with them add in petals of some sweet-smelling flowers and leaves.
People in Kerala use flowers to make the pookalam and it looks gorgeous. Place some earthen diyas and scented candles within the rangoli to give it a sparkle.
Candle stands: Strings of electric lights can never compare with the beauty of a candle or diya, the flickering flames create a mystical glow in the ambience. A well crafted candle stand placed in the corner of the room adds a spark of elegance.
A traditional handcrafted diya set adds an ethnic spirit to the Diwali decorations.
To add that special fragrance to your home, pick up a handcrafted aroma oil diffuser. It is a great home décor item for keeping your home fresh and fragrant for a longer time.
Hang up an artistic lantern that will throw its glow softly over your room. Chandeliers are meant for larger spaces. For smaller apartments an elegant T-lite lantern can create magic!
Diwali is the best time to pick up exclusive pieces as most online shops have great discount offers attached to these home décor items.
Cushion covers: A few cushions strewn on the divan or the sofa makes the living room look cosy and warmly welcoming for the guests. Pick up some good quality, artistic cushion covers. You can get some great bargains this time of the year.
Along with cushion covers, get some nice bed covers to give your rooms a new look. Bed sheets and bed covers are necessary household items that we buy through the year. Shop for these during Diwali – you will not only get the finest items at the best prices to do up your home, you can also pick some great gift items.
Curtains: Heavy drapes are passé. So if you are buying new curtains, go light colors and fine fabrics. Or you can just hang up a nice beaded curtain as a separator between the hall and the dining space.
Start trying out all your creative home décor ideas. You won’t get better deals than now to bring them to reality!
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