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APP REVIEW: Kiindly Cash Back Deals and Coupons

October 16, 2018 | By

Kiindly app, available only for iOS users, offers some of the highest Cash Back deals and Coupons in the market with up to 80% off in Luxury Deals & Coupons.

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Cash Back, Luxury Deals and Coupons

Kiindly App for Cash Back Deals, Luxury Deals and Coupons

Product Overview

Kiindly app, available only for iOS users, offers some of the highest cash back deals and coupons in the market, claiming its USP to be “Up to 80% off Luxury Deals & Coupons”.

“Up to 80% off savings on your favorite brands & earn cash back at 1,200+ stores (Macy’s, Ebay, Target, Walmart). Check offers, shop and redeem savings. All in one place!” says the App.

The app bridges an array of brands, manufacturers, providers and retailers, with their consumers under clearly defined categories:

  1. Women
  2. Men
  3. Home
  4. Kids
  5. Tech

Under each of these categories, the App lines up a mammoth selection of products and services with enticing cash back deals along and clearly mentioned discount offers and savings for the buyer.

OS Compatibility: Requires iOS 11.2 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Size: 21.4 MB
Category: Shopping
Availability Area: Across US
Languages: English
Age Rating: Rated 4+
Price: Free
Supports: Family Sharing (With Family Sharing set up, up to six family members can use this app.)

Highlights and Features

The App has partnered thousands of stores to help users browse the lowest price deals with cash back at one glance, saying, “We bring you the best savings and lowest prices on over 25,000 brands! Browse deals on your favorite brands and shop at the stores you love. Unlike other coupon and discount apps, we combine the best savings (deals, cash back & coupons) available to you in one convenient place right on your Kiindly app!”

Well, to put it simply, the unique feature of this App is bringing virtually the entire store and its range of products into the App.

Unlike other coupons and deals apps that take the buyer to the home page of the store on tapping on the deal, Kiindly fetches the entire product range of your chosen store, helping you to browse and select your product without going out of the App.

The buyer can view the complete deal including:

  1. the discount offer
  2. the product image and name
  3. the store name
  4. the retail price
  5. the offer price
  6. the savings
  7. the cash back.

On tapping on your chosen product, you are redirected to the product’s deal page on its respective store where you can view more details of the product, including reviews, shipping and returns and other info, select your color / size / quantity and add to cart and shop as you normally would.

You reach its EXACT page in the retailer storefront with the discount offer. Simply tap, shop and save. You’re done!

The transition from Kiindly to the particular store’s product page is so smooth and seamless that you don’t realize if you left Kiindly at all.

Where Kiindly stands apart

  • DAILY SHOPPING DEALS – State of the art AI technology platform scans deals from over 2,500+ stores to pick the top ones
  • SHOP ON THE GO – Lowest prices, cash back deals and discounts in your hand, anywhere, anytime.
  • EVERYTHING YOU NEED – Covers a massive range of categories
  • BIGGEST RETAILERS & STORES – Luxury and everyday brands such as Nike, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, UGG, Under Armor more.

Easy to save, easy to redeem on Kiindly App

Easy User-Interface

Registering on the app is hassle-free. Sign up using your social accounts including Facebook or email account.

You can browse Deals, Stores and Categories.

  • Deals are classified as per the 5 categories mentioned above.
  • Stores are classified under 3 heads – Trending, Coupons and Halloween.
  • Robust and dynamic Search functionality. The Search filters your query by classifying the results under Stores | Deals | Offers.

The Search Result shows complete information including:

  1. Coupon / Offer
  2. Store name
  3. Store website
  4. Discount offer
  5. Cash Back Deal
  6. Valid till

Get Paid through PayPal or eCheck

Kiindly helps users draw their cash back right into their personal accounts through Paypal or eCheck. You can build your wallet and redeem when you wish.

Giving Back: Donate your cash back money to charity

Kiindly app helps its users do something more than just earn great cash back. Users can choose to donate a part of their cash back or the whole of it to a charity of their choice. Our database has a list of over 800,000+ charities that are in good standing with the IRS that you can choose from. Best part, there is no additional cost to you or your charity and you can change your charity and donation % at any time.

Earn $5 Referral Bonus

You can earn a $5 BONUS for referring a new member to Kiindly! Qualify once the joined member earns $20 cash back within 6 months of joining.

Download the App here

Homemaker, Wife, Mother, Blogger, Freelancer, Health & Fitness freak based in Dallas, TX, United States. I work as a freelancer on projects and I review products, whatever I find interesting and of great use. From crafts tools, business tools, exercise equipment to gadgets and household items, I enjoy unboxing and reviewing products that are innovative and of high quality. My reviews are published in several online magazines and journals. Contact for professional and honest reviews of your products.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
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"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~ Aristotle