Quizzes are a great way of helping students and children develop the expertise of thinking quickly, on their feet. Quizzes also help sharpen their knowledge in various subjects beyond the prescribed textbooks. Quizzing apps are breaking new ground in providing students ready, interactive and instant knowledge apart from helping them enjoy an environment of quizzing at their convenience.
For every student, assessing his/her knowledge and understanding of the respective subjects is very much important. This gives them as well as their parents and teachers a clear idea into various insights, like in what subject they need to work more, how to tackle the weak points, which mode of explanation will make them grasp the subject etc.
To carry out such assessment, quizzes as well as tests form a significant role as they determine the student’s overall knowledge of the subjects and help the teachers to guide them better. Compared to class tests, which are limited in number and not so frequent, app enabled quizzes help determine a student’s assessment quickly. They encourage them to learn in a fun manner and also help the teachers to come out with more structured instructions for them.
Here are a few reasons why taking quizzes is a must for improving the academic performance of your kid:
Helps to cope up with anxiety
Unlike most of the tests or exams, quizzes are mildly formal and are designed in a way to determine the smaller skill sets. Hence they don’t put the students under that much pressure of performing well and getting good scores than the others. Instead, regular quizzes make them used to it and eventually, their skill set is improved where they automatically begin performing better.
Quizzing apps such as Quizopedia provide a huge number of questions and practice sessions for quizzers to hone their skills of thinking on their feet and coming up with answers in the shortest possible time. All you need to do is select your age group and class to access questions that pertain to your syllabus.
Improves attentiveness
Students have a knack to focus on the topics or excerpts that they think might be asked in the tests, hence often they skip other parts that might be equally important. Quizzing them regularly from all the aspects of the subjects make them attentive towards the entire studying material and helps them do well in the tests.
Encourages for regular study
Tests compel students to develop the habit of studying just days before the exams as they strive for scoring more rather than learning more. Regular quizzes make them used to study on regular intervals instead of cramming up just before the tests and they grasp the overall knowledge of the subjects.
Helps teachers teach efficiently
Undoubtedly, teachers play the most pivotal role in the learning of a student. By conducting quizzes, the teachers can offload certain amount of study material at regular intervals and the students won’t be overwhelmed with a huge pile of material at once. Instead, with smaller portions to study, they will find the whole learning procedure quite enjoyable, which will help them grasp the subjects better.
Provides quicker feedback
The primary emphasis of quizzing the students is to test them on a smaller portion of the subjects. Hence, it allows the teachers to access them thoroughly on every part of the subject and provide the students with a detailed feedback. This way the students will be able to rectify any wrong approach well before the time before moving ahead to the next part.
The primary purpose of quizzing students is to encourage them for exploring the subject information beyond textbooks and school-assigned source materials. To do better in small quizzes, the students would broaden their mind’s capability to grasp the subjects in different ways that will help them achieve way better scores in longer term.
There are several eLearning portals that conduct various kinds of quizzes for students based on the categories like primary, upper primary, secondary, etc. TheQuizopedia conducts quizzes on a diverse variety of subjects and its highly interactive app helps your child develop the quizzing habit in a fun and entertaining manner. The app makes sure that no question the child has faced once is ever repeated. Every time its a new question, a new challenge, a new nugget of knowledge.
Develop the habit of taking regular quizzes in your kid and see his/her performance boosted like never before.
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