Check out some of the not so known and interesting facts about Christmas.
The legend of Santa Claus is based on St. Nikolas, a 4th century bishop.
Carols, Santa Claus, Christmas tree are some of the things which we associate with Christmas. Here are some of the not so known facts about Christmas:
1. Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees in the 19th century. These artificial trees were made using goose feathers that were dyed green.
2. The three main colors which are generally associated with Christmas are red, green and gold. While green symbolizes life and rebirth, red signify the blood of Christ and the gold stands for wealth and light.
3. Pope Julius I, bishop of Rome, declared 25th December as the official date for commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in A.D. 350.
4. Did you know that Christmas wasn’t declared an official holiday in the USA until June 26, 1870?
5. Puritans in America banned any celebrations of Christmas from 1659-1681 as they regarded it as a decadent Catholic holiday.
6. Alabama was the first state in the USA that officially recognized and declared Christmas as a holiday in 1836. Oklahoma was the last state to declare Christmas as a holiday.
7. The legend of Santa Claus is based on St. Nikolas, a 4th century bishop from modern-day Turkey.
8. Each year, around 33 to 36 million Christmas trees (of fir and pine) are produced in America whereas 50 to 60 million are produced in Europe.
9. The best known and the most popular Christmas song “Jingle Bells” was actually written for Thanksgiving and not Christmas. It was composed by James Pierpont in 1857.
10. Bolivians are known to celebrate “Mass of the Rooster” on Christmas Eve as a belief that a rooster was the first animal to announce the birth of Jesus Christ.
11. Irving Berlin’s song “White Christmas” is estimated to have sold more than 100 million sales worldwide.
12. Did you know that carols were not sung in churches earlier. They were allowed to be sung in the 13th century when St Francis of Assisi introduced them.
13. THE abbreviation of Christmas is Xmas. The letter X here comes from the Greek letter chi which stands for Christ.
14. The first Christmas postage stamp was issued in 1962 in the USA.
15. The first Christmas card was created by Sir Henry Cole. J.C. Horsley in 1843.
15 Not-so-Known Interesting #Christmas Facts: http://t.co/EUkPfIaPyP
— Learning&Creativity (@LearnNCreate) December 24, 2014
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Great sharing !!!
The 15 Not-so-Known Christmas Facts are really very informative for us.
I was not even aware of the fact number two which talks about three main colors red, green & gold associated with Christmas….!
Thanks & Merry Christmas