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Christmas Facts

The true spirit of Christmas is in giving and sharing. It is in showing love and kindness. A beautiful short story on the festive occasion of Christmas.

His father, Jacob Kurien, and he had decorated the Christmas tree.
The Spirit Of Christmas
The true spirit of Christmas is in giving and sharing. It is in showing love and kindness. A beautiful short story on the festive occasion of Christmas.
The legend of Santa Claus is based on St. Nikolas, a 4th century bishop.
15 Not-so-Known Christmas Facts
Check out some of the not so known and interesting facts about Christmas.
Ceiling frescoes by the famous Russian painter Vereshchagin in The Nativity of Christ Cathedral (in Riga, Latvia)
The Legend of Jesus Christ
Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ to Virgin Mary as was prophesied in the Old Testament.
He looks immaculately dressed, impeccably attired, at all times.
Fading Images, Losing Appeals
Is Santa for real? That, alas, is a question that is being posed by a large number of children. In fact the age of disillusionment with faith is setting in earlier than noticed, heretofore.
Santa Claus is coming to town
The Legend Of Santa Claus
Santa Claus, the white-bearded man in a red coat with a bag full of gifts, is coming to town. Check out the legend of Santa Claus.

Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post-cat-page addthis_tool data-url=></div>The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts.
The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return.
The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.
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The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts. The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return. The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.