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Material things and experiences, all have flexible connotations. Every experience should be counted as valuable, meaningful. A situation of a frustration could be an opportunity to practice patience; a tempting situation could be a lesson of restraint. Material things however, are only as valuable as we make them….no matter the price. Through our perception, we decide a thing’s value, importance, and effect.
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Learning and Creativity publishes articles, stories, poems, reviews, and other literary works, artworks, photographs and other publishable material contributed by writers, artists and photographers as a friendly gesture. The opinions shared by the writers, artists and photographers are their personal opinion and does not reflect the opinion of Learning and Creativity- emagazine. Images used in the posts (not including those from Learning and Creativity's own photo archives) have been procured from the contributors themselves, public forums, social networking sites, publicity releases, free photo sites such as Pixabay, Pexels, Morguefile, etc and Wikimedia Creative Commons. Please inform us if any of the images used here are copyrighted, we will pull those images down.
Very well said, the “meaning of things lies not in things themselves, but in our attitude towards them” which totally depends on our approach and “behavior pattern”.
The way we think and how we take that thinking to the next level, that is important and integral part. If we allow our thoughts to move positively, half of the work is almost done.
However, if we think how the task will be completed as it seems to be tough we can’t even think of starting and completing the same.
So please remember, our thoughts should be clear and positive.
Thanks for sharing the positive quote…!!!