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Customized Nutrition Newsletters: Perfect Email Marketing for Health and Nutrition Pros

March 19, 2017 | By

Customized Nutrition Newsletters is a great email marketing newsletter template especially created for nutrition and health experts. Start your FREE trial.

Nutrition Wellness Newsletter Samples Healthy Living Newsletters

Not everyone is a writer. There, I said it. Its not that I am bragging about my writing skills. Its got nothing to do with me or thousands of other bloggers because the product I am reviewing today is not about blog writing or about authoring articles and books. It is about business.

Let me explain. I am a health and fitness freak and I love reading up on health and nutrition tips, news updates, healthy diet guidance and so on. So what’s new? There is plenty available on the web. But hunting through them is a pain and besides, sometimes you can’t figure out what’s exactly good for health and in what quantity.

Hence, when a precise and neat health and nutrition newsletter landed in my inbox from my RDN (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist), I was pleasantly surprised. The newsletter had some great content – a detailed health article, a smaller health and nutrition article, an easy to make healthy recipe, a nicely designed healthy food tip and some other neat and useful content. Overall, a tidy pack of content that was engaging and effective.

So what’s so surprising about it? Well, my nutritionist is not a writer and I have known her for several years now. She is great with tips and guidance and has really helped me change my lifestyle and diet towards health and fitness but when it comes to writing articles, she’s not the type.

After all these years, we’re great friends and I simply asked her how she created such a great looking newsletter. Her response made me more curious. She said she uses this customized nutrition newsletter ready to use content from CNN.

But its got her brand and introduction and picture and all the social media links? How does that work? She laughed and gave me her account details. ‘Go ahead and take a look yourself. You are a blogger. You will love the interface. Its as easy as a breeze. Finally, I got a tool that lets me reach out and engage with all my customers – old, new, existing. I don’t have to stare blankly at my laptop screen wondering what to write to them.’

CNN customized nutrition and health email marketing

So I logged in and was amazed at the sheer variety of done for you nutrition content available, high quality persuasive articles, tips, recipes, the works! Pick and choose the content you want. Brand it with your header, picture, information, links and send it to your email database. Talk about email marketing and this is like serving it all up in a platter for you!

Customized Nutrition Newsletters is a great email marketing newsletter template especially created for nutrition and health experts. It allows you to customize your nutrition newsletter and send it to your customers and contacts through the easy to use MailChimp and Constant Contact.

I am positive you will be amazed at how engagingly it will connect you with your customers.

Try out CNN Newsletters with the 30 Day Free Trial.

Homemaker, Wife, Mother, Blogger, Freelancer, Health & Fitness freak based in Dallas, TX, United States. I work as a freelancer on projects and I review products, whatever I find interesting and of great use. From crafts tools, business tools, exercise equipment to gadgets and household items, I enjoy unboxing and reviewing products that are innovative and of high quality. My reviews are published in several online magazines and journals. Contact for professional and honest reviews of your products.
All Posts of Kathy Jones

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Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Time is not just the calculation of transitory phases in years, but also the assessment of ACTIONS-the effort we make in life's works; FEELINGS-our state of emotional being and ACHIEVEMENTS-our realisations in life, of life, about life. 

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Time is not just the calculation of transitory phases in years, but also the assessment of ACTIONS-the effort we make in life's works; FEELINGS-our state of emotional being and ACHIEVEMENTS-our realisations in life, of life, about life.