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Bookaroo @ Bengaluru 2017: Books & Bliss with Story Telling!

September 12, 2017

Award-winning and best-selling children’s books author Ramendra Kumar conducted a session based on Against All Odds, his latest book which was recently released, in Delhi Public School, Bengaluru as a  part of  Bookaroo’s School Outreach programme.

Ramendra Kumar story telling for kids 2

Ramendra Kumar conducted a session based on  Against All Odds  in DPS, Bengaluru as a  part of  Bookaroo’s School Outreach programme

Award-winning and best-selling children’s books author Ramendra Kumar conducted a session based on Against All Odds, his latest book which was recently released, in Delhi Public School, Bengaluru as a part of Bookaroo’s School Outreach programme. He followed it up with three story telling sessions and a poem recitation during the main Bookaroo Children’s Literature Festival.

Against All Odds, published by Duckbill Books,  was  launched at Bookaroo, the most happening Children’s Literature Festival in the country, which was held for the first time in Bengaluru on 2nd and 3rd September. Ramen, as he likes to be called, is a  well known writer for children and the  Chief of Communications at SAIL’s  Rourkela Steel Plant.  


Ramendra Kumar with his enthusiastic bunch of learners

Earlier on 1st September, Ramen, conducted a session based on  Against All Odds  in DPS, Bengaluru as a  part of  Bookaroo’s School Outreach programme. The session, in which  more than 550 students interacted with the author, was a scintillating one brimming with oodles of fun, energy and enthusiasm. His engagement with the children at Bookaroo too was a gratifying and enriching one with the kids quizzing him on various aspects of his writing and later mobbing him for autographs.

Ramendra Kumar signing his books at Bookaroo Children’s Literary Fest

Ramen took three story telling sessions which were a heady mix of crazy yarns, raucous singing and yes, even a bit of disco-dancing thrown in for good measure. The last session at the Festival was devoted to a Poetry Slam. Ramen recited his favourite poem My Hero which is dedicated to his father.

Ramendra Kumar story telling for kids

Ramen took three story telling sessions

Against All Odds  is   a tale of  fun, football and friendship !  The protagonist Kartik shouldn’t play football because he is one-armed. His friend Siba can’t play because he has to earn a living. His classmate Tina mustn’t be a goalkeeper because her mentor is  differently abled.  The book is about three  individuals,  three  obstacles and  one passion – Football.

The book tackles sensitive issues like  the society’s response to marginalised  children,   gender bias and how through honesty, commitment and courage even the toughest of odds can be  beaten.

What makes the book very topical is its timing. It has been released just before the FIFA Under–17 World Cup which is being hosted by India, for the first time,  from 6th to 28th October this year.

Ramen has written 32 books which have been translated into 26 languages, and he has  won 31 awards for his writing.

Ramendra Kumar with a young reader

Effective Parenting

Ramendra Kumar’s Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm is available on Amazon and Flipkart.

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