Learning and Creativity’s first publication, Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm ebook was released formally on Sept 7. It is now available on Amazon
We’ve done it, finally! Learning and Creativity’s first publication, Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm ebook was released formally in Coimbatore at an event organised by the EuroKids Franchise Network and Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Sunday, September 7.
Written by Ramendra Kumar (Ramen), an award winning author with 25 books to his credit, Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm suggests a fresh avatar for the new age parent, with a bundle of stories, anecdotes and lively, useful tips and advice on parenting – all hewn together in a delightful palette.
Read about the making of the Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm ebook
An enthusiastic audience comprising parents, teachers, B.Ed trainees had a wonderful two hours on this salubrious Sunday morning, starting off with a welcome address by Archana Dange, Master Franchisee, EuroKids. Ramendra Kumar then introduced his new ebook and spoke to the audience for an hour about his life’s experiences that have been included in different part of the book. A ‘Writer by Passion’ Ramendra Kumar’s works have been published and translated into several Indian and foreign languages and six of his books have been recommended as readers for CBSE, India. His stories have found a place in text books and anthologies published across the world.
The book launch turned into an interactive session on parenting and its challenges as the audience took the opportunity to ask the author questions and doubts that are part of everyday life of the new-age parent – time constraints, bringing up two children, the impact of television and cartoon channels on young impressionable minds, how to promote good behavior in kids, the repercussions of visuals of excessive violence that children are exposed to in the electronic media and so on.
Ramendra Kumar talks about the making of the ebook
The ebook was then released by Mr. Veluswamy, Secretary, SNS Institutions, amidst much applause. The program ended with the vote of thanks by Ms. Jananya Nalin, Trustee, SNS Institutions followed by the National Anthem.
Written by Ramendra Kumar, the Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm #ebook suggests fresh avatar for new age parent. http://t.co/boql7JmzPc
— Learning&Creativity (@LearnNCreate) September 10, 2014
During the time of our parents and grandparents, parenting was a shared responsibility. Since then the onslaught of change has created a new society and a new value system. The responsibility of bringing up the child now rests squarely on the parents. Double income parents have increasingly lesser time for children, busy as they are juggling their work as well as day-to-day household chores. However, this does not stop them from expecting spectacular achievements from their children. All these changes put together have turned every concept, ideal and principle of parenting on its head.
In this book Ramendra Kumar, with his wide experience in writing for children and his own personal experience of bringing up two children, explores the fundamental of Effective Parenting through Five Pillars – the Pillars of Sharing, Caring, Fun and Joy, Healthy Living and Invaluable Values. It is a framework offering hands-on suggestions and pragmatic examples which would hopefully serve as unobtrusive guides as the reader journeys across the tough terrain of Parenting.
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