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A Passion for Gardening

April 11, 2016 | By

Gunjan Khandelwal’s passion for gardening has created a haven of pristine beauty that offers ‘a feast for the eyes and succour for the soul’!

Gunjan's garden

Gunjan’s garden

I have always believed that it is not IQ or EQ which results in excellence but another factor called PQ or Passion Quotient. One individual who proves this dictum is Mrs. Gunjan Khandelwal, a resident of Nagpur, whose passion for gardening has created a haven of pristine beauty that offers ‘a feast for the eyes and succour for the soul’!

The piece de resistance in her little sanctuary is  the terrace garden spread over a small area of 750 square feet.  It is dotted with a variety of seasonal plants, aquatics, xerophytes, vegetables, fruit plants like mango, lemon, pomegranate, fig, papaya, litchi, kamrak, apple bear, water apple et al. Besides, a collection of several plants from different places, such as water bamboo, also embellish her garden.

Creativity has always been an intrinsic part of Gunjan’s life, ever since she can remember.

“In childhood whenever I could take time off from my studies I would be dabbling with either art or pottering about in our little kitchen garden giving an expression to my ‘green thumb’.   I have always shared a sublime synergy  with nature. Even while going on sojourns I would make it a point to visit places where nature reigned supreme. Around 12 years ago I fell prey to a dreadful disease – the ‘sweet and sugary’ diabetes. I was on insulin 5 times a day. It was during this trying period that gardening offered me a sanctuary and solace. From a mere hobby it became a passion,” Gunjan says.

Gunjans garden

Every morning Gunjan steps on to her terrace filling up her senses with the ethereal beauty and freshness of nature. “The colours of the blooms fill my life with unadulterated joy and   pleasure. I nurture the saplings with great care as one brings up a child.  My terrace is a place for meditation, it is my medication, it is my little paradise.”

Gunjan Khandelwal in her garden

Gunjan Khandelwal in her garden

Her husband, Advocate, Solicitor & Corporate Counsellor, A.K. Natani (Khandelwal) has always been a pillar of support. He has encouraged her to create her  very own  paradise.

Gunjan has won a number of awards in the competitions organized by Nagpur Garden Club, Parks & Garden and Friends International Institute of Engineers.  However, she would like to reiterate that though prizes are definitely the icing on the cake, the real inspiration is the connect she can establish with nature through this passion of hers.

And it is this bond which has helped her fight the ogre of diabetes. At present she is off insulin and is managing quite well with only two tablets per day.

There is another side to Gunjan’s creativity. She is an exceptionally talented painter.  Here too her predilection finds an eloquent expression on canvas as she creates myriad images of nature in all her glory.

“It is my firm belief that everyone is blessed with creativity. What is needed is determination and dedication to stoke the embers of talent.  A tryst with nature has been my elixir of joy and I invite everyone to partake of this experience and make their lives more  enriching and fulfilling,” Gunjan says.

Gunjan's terrace garden spread over a small area of 750 square feet with its variety of fruit plants

Gunjan’s terrace garden spread over a small area of 750 square feet with its variety of fruit plants

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Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) is an award-winning writer, performance storyteller and inspirational speaker with 49 books. His writings have been translated into 32 languages and included in 26 textbooks and many anthologies in various countries. Ramen has written across all genres ranging from picture books to adult fiction, satire, poetry, travelogues, biographies and on issues related to parenting and relationships. His writings have been published by the major publishing houses in India. His books brought out by National Book Trust (NBT), India have notched up sales of more than 4.9 lakh copies in just one year. Ramen has been invited to several international literary festivals as well as Indian events such as Jaipur Litfest and seminars organised by Sahitya Akademi and IGNOU. The author has won a total of 41 awards in the competition for writers of children’s literature organised by Children’s Book Trust (CBT) over the years, which is among the highest by any writer. Ramen was chosen as the ‘Author and Storyteller of the Year’ (2022), on ‘Talking Stories’, London, UK’s number one Radio Programme dedicated to the art of storytelling. He was nominated as a Jury Member for the Best Children’s Author Category of The Times of India’s ‘Women AutHer’ Awards, 2020. Ramen was also selected as a mentor for the Scholastic Writers Academy. An alumnus of the prestigious Hyderabad Public School (HPS), Ramen is an Engineer & an MBA. He and his inspiration, his wife Madhavi, were General Managers at SAIL, when they took Voluntary Retirement to pursue their respective passions. Their children are bonsai celebrities in their own right. While Ankita is a youth icon and a travel blogger with an Instagram following of 296 K, Aniket creates cool Apps and designs covers for his dad’s books. Ramen is now a Cancer warrior and an inspiration to many. His website is and he has a page devoted to him on Wikipedia.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>The best gift bestowed upon one is Good Health; the best treasure one can acquire is Satisfaction; the best relationship one can cherish is faithfulness.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
The best gift bestowed upon one is Good Health; the best treasure one can acquire is Satisfaction; the best relationship one can cherish is faithfulness.