As the glistening curtain of the fog slowly lifted up, the New Year just waited in the shadows sheathed in the shimmering glow of love and peace.
The moment I stepped out, I lost myself in the fog.
A tiny robin hopped near my feet, trying to get back her moorings. The ripples of a guffaw from a laughter club member, lost somewhere in the fog, hit my ears, bringing just a hint of a smile on my face. A tiny bulb hanging askew from the lamppost fronting our house valiantly tried to pierce the fog. Yes, it had come ‘on little cat feet’, ‘sat on silent haunches’ played around with the trees and the vehicles, settled on the telephone wire and made faces at me from the wall dividing our building from the next. But unlike Sandburg’s Fog, it refused to go and continued sitting on the wall, unmoving. Inscrutable.
As I walked on, I kept getting more and more lost in the fog, taking one cautious step after another, but just not wanting to go back.
Disembodied voices fell into my ears.
“How cold!”
“Jaipur has become Kashmir.”
“And look at the fog. Jaipur never had foggy weather. When I was posted in Bharatpur, the winter months used to be pretty foggy, but this year there is dense fog even in Jaipur, phew!”
“Please hold my hand, I will trip.”
As I walked on carefully, I hoped that the dense fog that is dimming our vision, is cleared, and in the coming year, we realise that love is all we need and all that we need is love. May we hold each other’s hands and help each other forward. I staunchly believe, that all precious jewels lose their shimmer before the dazzling sparkle of love. May we have more of love in the coming year.
A tiny, loving smile, slipping in and out of our lives, a warm hug, and a kind word are enough to resuscitate that dying fire within us, it can calm aggravated nerves, smoothen out fears and doubts. When dilemmas suddenly erupt and catch one by the scruff of the neck and icy claws clutch a frozen heart, it is only the warmth of love that can provide the wherewithal for resurrection. Such thoughts kept whirring in my mind, when I was warmed by the sight of a sun ray piercing the fog.
Ah, there was the sun peeping, a diffident smile on the blue firmament, which slowly gained confidence as the fog was demolished.
Morning Meanderings by Dr Santosh Bakaya
The New Year just waited in the shadows sheathed in the shimmering glow of love and peace. ABBA sang away in memory.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbor is a friend
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes , our will to try
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he will be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he is astray…..
From the construction site a few feet away from our house, I heard the whimpering of a child. From where I stood, I could see a ridiculously young mother suckling a child. Life seemed to be beckoning tantalizingly and it was thither that I went, my diffident steps slowly gaining a surefootedness, as the sun brightened, and the fog totally disappeared.
(Picture: Pixabay)
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Wherever you set foot, Santosh ji, the fog would clear. Beautiful — both the writing and you.