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5 Practical Tips to Learn Mandarin While Teaching English in China

October 25, 2016 | By

Some useful tips to help you learn Mandarin while teaching English in China. By learning Mandarin Chinese, you can overcome the language barrier.

English teaching jobs

A beautiful night view of Shanghai, China. Learn and communicate in Mandarin Chinese is the best way to merge into local culture

One of the biggest concerns of ESL teachers looking for English teaching jobs in China is the language barrier. Going to a new country where locals don’t speak English, and teaching and travelling there without knowing the native language can be nerve-wracking for some. Imagine going to a grocery shop and not knowing how to ask for bread in local language.

Learning another language is quite challenging. And on top of it, learning Chinese or Mandarin, considered one of the most difficult languages in the world, is even harder. However, making sincere effort to learn and communicate in Mandarin Chinese is the best way to merge into local culture. Learning Mandarin Chinese may be hard and with little patience and practice, you can easily overcome language barrier. Teaching English and learning Mandarin at the same time is not that difficult.

Let’s have a look at some useful tips to help you learn Mandarin while teaching English in China:

Take personal classes with a Mandarin tutor

The best and the most effective way to learn Mandarin is to find a good tutor and enrol in one-to-one classes. With a personal tutor by your side, you will be able to pick up the nuances of the language easily and faster. Moreover, there won’t be any guess work and you will know where exactly you are going wrong.

Learn Mandarin Chinese for jobs in china

By learning Mandarin Chinese, you can overcome the language barrier and enjoy the local culture.

Download language translation app

Language translation mobile apps come handy especially in countries where English is not the official or secondary language. Download a translation app on your smartphone and learn Mandarin while on the go. It makes learning a new language so much fun. You can use the app when going for grocery shopping, eating out at restaurants and so on. Before you know, you will have made significant improvements in my language skills. Best part is most of these are mobile apps are free.

Learn Mandarin While Teaching English in China

Undertaking English teaching job in Shanghai or Beijing doesn’t mean only you get to impart knowledge. You can learn Mandarin by interacting with the students and locals in their local language. Most people consider learning Mandarin an impossible task. When your students and locals will see you making sincere efforts in learning the language, they will appreciate it and would go out of their way in offering you tips and suggestions.

Get enrolled in private language schools

There are plenty of private language schools in Beijing and Shanghai where you can learn the Mandarin Chinese the professional way. However, these private language schools are expensive. So, its best you do your research regarding fees and location in advance before investing in your time and money.

Attend classes at a Chinese University

The inexpensive alternative to private schools is to attend the University classes which are quite affordable. You can save a ton of money and have a good grasp of the language, plus a certificate. However important thing to note is that language learning at a university is a big commitment. You will be required to attend lessons regularly, do your homework and undergo exams.

(Pics courtesy Pixabay)

Find the best English teaching jobs in Shanghai.

Mark is an education consultant who loves writing about the numerous benefits and rich experience that a person can gain by teaching English in China. His articles aim to provide insights into the advantages of English teaching jobs in Shanghai or Beijing and anywhere else in the world.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ 
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It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ Claude Bernard