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The L&C-Silhouette Basket
A hand-picked basket of cherries from the world of most talked about books and popular posts on creative literature, reviews and interviews, movies and music, critiques and retrospectives ...
to enjoy, ponder, wonder & relish!
Nipun Varma is an IT professional moonlighting as a writer. An avid public speaker, movie fanatic, voracious reader, scriptwriter and social worker; he is a classic case of ‘jack of all and master of none’.
His debut book Adventures of an Indian Techie, a satire on life of techies in India, was published in 2019. While humour remains his primary weapon, he loves writing across genres. He is into column writing, screenplays and short stories. His other major work is the English translation of the award-winning Malayalam novel Vasavadatha written by renowned Malayalam writer Sajil Sreedhar. He is now working on his second book- a novel that depicts a coming of age story with an undercurrent of humor.
He calls himself a ‘916 Mallu’ who hails from Vaikom - a sleepy little town in the outskirts of Kottayam district in Kerala. He believes his life’s mission is to share stories and spread happiness.
A humble mobile teashop may not be a great business in money terms. But if it makes its customers and owners feel happy about it, it has achieved its objective. A touching story by Nipun Varma....