As a parent, nurturing your child to help him/her grow up to be a responsible adult depends on how well you are able to inculcate habits in your child and establish routines that will ensure a holistic growth. Some useful parenting tips for the new age parent.
Parent – it is a word that encompasses your whole world. Once you are a parent, it is a lifelong commitment. You are now responsible to nurture a young individual and make sure he/she grows into a responsible adult. And the best way to do this is by inculcating habits and establishing routines that will ensure a holistic growth. As Ramendra Kumar, author of the bestselling book Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm says, “Habits morph into values.” And these values are the building blocks of an individual’s character and personality.
Some routines are unconsciously inculcated, for example, having a bath, brushing in the morning etc. But are they enough? With changing lifestyles, it is important to build on the age-old routines and give them a contemporary tweak.
But this is easier said than done!
The solution is to use technology to achieve this goal. A self-monitoring app that recommends, tracks and helps build habits is the Nuhabits app. The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. It is simple – Sign up, Add habits (multiple categories including Parenting are listed) and Track the progress.
As a parent, you have many roles and under each role there are several habits you must inculcate in your children. Some of the roles identified by Ramendra Kumar are:
Being a parent and bringing up emotionally strong, socially responsible and responsive children is a tough task. And while the journey is filled with challenges, the love and joy of being a parent is unmatched.
Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm
Written by Ramendra Kumar (Ramen), an award winning author with 30 books to his credit, Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm suggests a fresh avatar for the new age parent, with a bundle of stories, anecdotes and lively, useful parenting tips and advice on positive parenting – all hewn together in a delightful palette.
More to read about Effective Parenting
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