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Debalina Banerjee's Blog

Debalina Banerjee

About Debalina Banerjee

Debalina Banerjee is Assistant Professor of English, Vidyasagar Evening College. Currently pursuing PhD on " 'Mother' and 'Wife': Interrogating stereotypes in Five Indian English Women Novelists" from Visva-Bharti University. She has paid academic visits to several foreign universities. At present she is working on gender issues and editing a book along with Dr. Benoy Banerjee on Nobel Laureate Playwrights in World Literature. She has also edited another book with Kaustav Bakshi on Indian Poetry in English. She is on the editorial borad of the Journal Annals of the University of Oradea published by the faculty of Social-Humanistic Sciences, University of Oradea, Romania.