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ISSN 2231 - 699X | A Publication on Cinema & Allied Art Forms
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Mrinal Sen@100

In the 1990s, Mrinal Sen introspected his life as an artist by evaluating his previous artistic efforts. As a result of this evaluation, Mahaprithibi was made and became one of the most important films in his oeuvre. This article attempts to scrutinize how Mrinal Sen’s worldview changed over decades by analyzing Mahaprithibi in particular.

A Lustrum in the Life of Mrinal Sen
A Lustrum in the Life of Mrinal Sen
Between 1966 and 1969,...
Remembering Mrinal Sen
Remembering Mrinal Sen
Mrinal Sen's films evolved thematically,...
An Inadequate Centenary Tribute
An Inadequate Centenary Tribute
Sen had two distinct approaches...
Moviemaking in Calcutta
Moviemaking in Calcutta
Following is an article written by...
A Cyberpunk Chorus
A Cyberpunk Chorus
Mrinal Sen made Chorus in 1974. His...
Mrinal Sen: The Man Who Fought Through Cinema
Mrinal Sen: The Man Who Fought Through Cinema
With Mrinal Sen behind the camera Indian cinema...
The Filmic Journey of Mrinal Sen
The Filmic Journey of Mrinal Sen
Mrinal Sen is one of the...
Mrinal Sen
Where Morality Counts
"I have always believed...