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Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara – Take Life’s Challenges Head-on

October 19, 2013 | By

To certain extent, it does not seem practical or idealistic the way Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara has shown the three adventures in film. But keeping in view the fact that we basically watch movies for self-entertainment, enjoyment and to release the stress, the over-the-top bits can be excused.

Direction: Zoya Akhtar
Written by: Farhan Akhtar
Cast: Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar, Abhay Deol, Katrina Kaif, Kalki Koechlin
Music: Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy

The message of the movie is evident from the title itself: God has gifted us only one life to live so we all should love every moment of it and live life to the fullest with zeal.

The story is a simple today’s tale that gives a clear message – one should leave no stone unturned when it comes to enjoying life so that we do not have any regrets about missed joys and chances when we head towards the climax of our life. Be happy with whatever you have or are doing in your life, says the film.

As the film rolls, we realize how important time is and how we miss out on opportunities only to regret later on why we had not done that work at that time.

Our fears and doubts, our inhibitions and prejudices that restrict us from enjoying life in its full measure turn out to be the ones that give us the utmost pleasure in the end. It depends on how we take the challenge head-on and fight our fear.

The 3 central characters – Arjun (Hrithik Roshan), Imran (Farhan Akhtar) and Kabir (Abhay Deol) struggle with their personal fears, feelings, and emotions, which they successfully overcome with courage , confidence and each others’ support.

These three young men want to know how they can make their life better and happy. They go for an adventure-ride starting from Spain, which forces them to face their phobia. It is all about living happily and allowing things to let be.

To certain extent, it does not seem practical or idealistic the way ZNMD has shown the three adventures in film. But keeping in view the fact that we watch movies for self-entertainment, enjoyment and to release stress, the over-the-top bits can be excused.

So dear friends, if you have missed the chance to watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, please watch it and enjoy every minute of your life with what you have without worrying about the future.

Workaholic and successful HR Manager, Madhu Verma is a die-hard fan of Jackie Shroff and watches movies for fun, de-stressing and time pass.
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8 thoughts on “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara – Take Life’s Challenges Head-on

  • Partho Mondal

    “Our fears and doubts, our inhibitions and prejudices that restrict us from enjoying life in its full measure turn out to be the ones that give us the utmost pleasure in the end. It depends on how we take the challenge head-on and fight our fear.”

    Very good point! You have hit the nail on the head!! Life’s about taking challenges and facing our fears rather than running away from them!

    As the ad for the soft drink goes – Darr ke age jeet hai!

    Short and to the point review! I must confess though that I have not seen the movie yet, but reading your review I certainly plan to view it…

  • seema srivastava

    i strongly agree with Madhu, that is true our fears n doubts does not allow us to go ahead sometimes bcoz of social, economical, physical causes. Evn tho we should live our life to fullest n enjoy it as we get it once.

  • Sushil

    When a girl says “what”, Its not because she didn’t hear you. She is giving you chance to change what you said.

    But “Life” is just opposite. Means “Life” never give second chance. So dears joy the life with full pleasure because “Zindgi Milegi Na Dubara”.

    Thank you so much to Author for written a review for this movie and Reminded the all zindgi milegi na bubara.

  • Juhi

    What a gist of the movie…would force any one to watch it again!!! I agree wit you bhabhi….zindagi (read moment) fir mile na mile.. So live it to the fullest !!!
    I did not know ur a Jackie Shroff fan !!!

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