In an interview to L&C, Maitreyee Bhattacharjee Chowdhury talks about ‘Where Even the Present is Ancient: Benaras’, her latest book of poems on Benaras.
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Though I have been to Benaras quite some time ago yet I have a craving for visiting the place again and spending some time there..In that visit I had gone to Kashi Vishwanath temple and visited one or two ghats but did not take a dip in Ganga as it was a winter month…
This time I want to stay for a while and ‘live’ Banaras and bring its flavour back home..A city said to be the oldest living city in the world having an age of 5000 years must carry its past with it as without its pillars of the past it could not have sustained the onslaught of modernity…Its stone craft, its copper craft and magical weaving of zari and silken sarees must be experienced in person…
I know of atleast one lady in our extended family who decided to live her last few years in kashi as there is a strong belief that a person dying in Kashi gets salvation..I dont buy books any more as maintaining them is a hard task these days with inadequate staff and the age telling upon us but if my children agree to take over my books and agree to adding to them I shall buy old and rare books from Banaras which are still available there…
Benaras is an ancient but continuing centre for preserving our culture, literature, art and music, crafts and carvings and some exceptional culinary skills…
But these cant be obtained at five stars hotels..One has to wander along the narrow lanes of Kashi keeping one’s eyes open… AND GHATS!!!! THEY ARE JUST MESMERISING…
Loved the review / interview of Maitreyee’s book. But then, Maitreyee writes beautifully. But here, I really liked your intro to the review. Liked the way you framed the questions, loved the poetry in the words of the reviewer.