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When Stray Thoughts Become Captivating

February 8, 2023 | By

Dhaka-based senior journalist, Shahnoor Wahid reviews HQ Chowdhury’s latest book Reflections & Stray Thoughts, published by Blue Pencil, as a book which is “delightfully informative, well supplemented with accounts of stalwarts from the world of music, cinema and sports.”

Shahnoor Wahid

Shahnoor Wahid browsing the pages of Reflections & Stray Thoughts

Those who are familiar with the previous works of HQ Chowdhury, especially his much-acclaimed book, Incomparable Sachin Dev Burman would not be disappointed if they pick up his latest book titled, Reflections & Stray Thoughts.

The book, is predominantly an anthology of articles on music, movies and sports covering decades between 1930 and 1980. It has in total 40 chapters on varied topics ranging from songs, cinema, football, cricket to music directors, actors, singers, Tagore … a Pot Pouri indeed.

The author termed, Reflections & Stray Thoughts as “light reading”, but like his other books, it is also delightfully informative, well supplemented with accounts of stalwarts from the world of music, cinema and sports. His elderly readers will be able to discern his brazen fascination for exalted figures like Sachin Dev Burman and Manna Dey, Dev Anand, Mehdi Hasan and Robin Ghosh; Suchitra Sen and Shabnam; Chuni Goswami and Zaheer Abbas, many of them he met personally.

Reflections & Stray Thoughts is written unwittingly to become a magna opus, a treasure trove, as far as content and cadence are concerned. Readers will find time well spent reading it, cover to cover as HQ’s rapturous narrative of the ‘old gold’ touches too our “Binaca Geetmala”, Akash Bani Kolkata’s “Anurodher Ashor” and more.

Genre : Non-fiction
Binding : Paperback (6″ x 9″)
Pages : 167 pages
Published by : Blue Pencil
ISBN: 978-81-952978-3-2

Available on Amazon India | US | UK | Germany | France | Spain | Italy | Netherlands | Poland 
Sweden | Japan | Canada | Australia

Blue Pencil Online | The University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka | Dasgupta & Co. Private Ltd. College Street, Kolkata (Phone: 033-22414609)

Reflections and Stray Thoughts

Reflections and Stray Thoughts

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Shahnoor Wahid is a Senior Journalist, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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