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Poet, writer, translator. Based in Calicut, Kerala. Has published poems in various anthologies. On the translators panel of the Kerala Sahitya Academy. Her poems have been included in the Brian Wrixon anthologies 'Words on the Winds of Change' and 'Women of One World'. She has also co-authored a poem with Gaurangi Patel which has been included in the 'Duet Anthology' brought out by Xpress Publications. She has been selected for the ICOP Critics Award for March 2015 and her poem 'Reflections' is on the list of Highly Commended poems for the month of March 2015 selected by Destiny Poets, UK. Her poem ‘Ashtavakra’ was selected as the ‘Poem of the month’ for April 2015 by Destiny Poets, UK.
A beautiful spiritual poem by Girija P. Pathekkara about the fascinating and intriguing interrelation between Lord Krishna and his foster-mother Yashoda, translated in English by Vineetha Mekkoth....
A Book Review of “Beckett’s English Poetry : Transcending the Roots of Resistance in Language” by Dr A.V. Koshy published by Authorspress Global Publishing Network....
Beautiful nature poetry about the surreal, endearing beauty of the vines creeping up our walls, and the simple, unassuming, yet timeless truths they convey....