Dr. T. Rama pens an inspiring and emotional tribute to the magnificence, glory and ethos of our beautiful country, India.
Dr. T. Rama, vice-principal, won the second prize at the District level for this poem, ‘A Tribute to My Motherland — India’, which she submitted to the ‘Unity in Creativity — Desh Bhakti Geet Writing Contest’. The Ministry of Culture conducted competitions as part of the 75th Independence Day celebrations, Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. The results of the contest were announced in February 2023.
‘A Tribute to My Motherland — India’ was first published here on LnC.
Oh my beautiful Mother
With your exquisite form
With the mighty Himalayas as your crown
With the blue and placid waters
Lapping at your sides and feet
You are a sight to behold
Oh my loving Mother
With your arms spread wide
From West to East you stand
With a welcoming smile
With tenderness in your eyes
That draws many to your bosom
Oh my benevolent Mother
With your bountiful resources
With riches past compare
With spices fragrant
You nurture all inhabitants
And spread allure to nations
Oh my heroic Mother
With boldness defined
With numerous battles faced
With pain in shackles endured
You still forgive and persist
In spreading love and warmth
Oh my inspiring Mother
With gifts of ancient wisdom
With the awesome force of spirituality
With sacredness enrobed
You have birthed many
A great personality
Oh my glorious Mother
With humility in greatness
With modesty in erudition
With strength in meekness
You are an epitome of power
A Guru to the world
Oh my magnificent Mother
With the aura of knowledge
With the halo of peace
With the calm of contentment
You spread the message
That pride is of no avail
Oh my noble Mother
With boundless charm
With endless culture
With ageless beauty
I bow to you reverentially
And pray: Glory be unto you
Glory be unto you…
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