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To Nothingness?

August 19, 2016 | By

A wistful poem about oblivion and nothingness that awaits every soul.

Leave the land, ‘tis time for you


Pity! O pity! For at the fag end
Of a lifetime, lies fainéant soul,
Beside vacuum trails leading to
Oblivion. Hark!

Lost, lost again, to lose
Once more; to follow the path,
Footprints of mist. Waits the garth of
Oblivion. Hark!

Surging ahead, daze escorting;
To nothingness; gudgeon!
There sings the glory, nymphs, o heart, of
Oblivion. Hark!

Forgetfulness consumed hast thou!
Leave the land, ‘tis time for you.
The billows call, rise and fall –
Sail through, soul, to
Oblivion! Pity! O Pity! Self!


O Sleep! Mighty sleep!
Lost thou art or lost am I?
My lids burdened –
Yet you live
Away forever,
Mighty sleep!
My beloved!

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In Lieu of Love

When a Friend’s Flat Burnt Down

Adieu, Kolkata

Sounak Gupta, Assistant Editor, LnC, is a passionate collector and archivist of Indian Music on Gramophone Records, often eager to share treasures from his collections with enthusiasts and researchers on various platforms. As a self-directed researcher on music, he specializes in the History of Bengali Music, and Bengali Music on Gramophone Records. His writings on music, and the lives, and works of musicians have appeared in several magazines and news dailies, both in India and overseas. His literary pursuits have also yielded contributions to notable volumes including Blue Pencil's The Unforgettable Music of Hemant Kumar, written by Manek Premchand – co-authoring Antara Nanda Mondal on a chapter on Hemant Kumar's Bengali music, and Deys Publishing's Prithibi Amare Chay, among others. Beyond his musical interests, Sounak devotes himself to reading and reflecting on Literature and Education, while continually seeking new avenues of exploration through brainstorming. Amidst a diverse range of academic pursuits and experiences, his interests continue to evolve, informed by the confluence of music, literature, and history.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Christmas is not a day, but a state of mind. Peace, Goodwill and Humanity unfurls the real spirit of Christmas<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
Christmas is not a day, but a state of mind. Peace, Goodwill and Humanity unfurls the real spirit of Christmas