A true hero is one who selflessly protects others from obstacles. Akash Nag narrates the story of a real hero who sacrifices his life to save a life.
Once upon a time, there lived a teen named Loki Shi. He was nineteen years old. He was a kind and obedient boy. He wanted to be an engineer. He loved engineering as a subject. He wasn’t a bad student for astronomy though he never liked astronomy that much. Loki had failed a lot in chemistry. He wasn’t a good at chemistry at all. He slept during the classes of chemistry except during the years of ICSE and ISC board examinations. He got 99/100 in engineering in his second year in college.
Loki also loved to eat pizza. He couldn’t resist himself from having at least a pizza every week. If he didn’t get it he yelled ‘I want pizza, I want pizza, I want pizza….’
Loki had a pet dog named Lava. On April 21st, 1999 there was a terrible incident which changed Loki’s life forever.
It was a holiday for Loki. On that day since morning Loki was kidding and chilling with his friends. ‘What can we do’, ‘lol’, ‘nope. Not lol it’s loooooloo’ everybody said.
“Let’s play football. In this weather football is perfect you all know. It would also be a football practice for the next interhouse competition match. We need to win it!” Loki said. Everyone agreed. Loki was the best striker in his team. He had scored 12 goals till then which was the most in the interhouse competition. The game started.
Loki’s team scored 2 goals and his opponent team scored 1 at half time. The final score was 5-4 in favourite of Loki’s team. A hat-trick for both Loki and Ram. Ram is his best mate but played in his opponent team. The day started of as a happy one but as you will see that it ended very sadly.
When Loki was returning after the game, he saw a large crowd gathered at the railway station. He ran and went into the crowd. All saw a woman crying bitterly.
“What is your problem, ma’am? Have you lost something precious?” asked Loki enthusiastically.
“I have lost my child. Now what will I do? Where will I find my child now?” said the woman still crying.
“I’ll try to find your child!” said Loki. He asked the woman a lot of important questions needed for his investigation. After listening to the answers, he guessed where the child could be. The mother gave Loki a picture of her child. She worried that her child wasn’t badly hurt in an accident.
Loki rushed to the nearby supermarket. He went inside but couldn’t find a child who seemed to be lost. He went up and down the different floors of the supermarket again and again. 1 hour was wasted doing this activity. He wondered, “Where could the child go then? I expected him to be in the supermarket!”
He went up and down the different floors of the supermarket again and again
Then suddenly his eye fell on a child in the middle of the road. He matched the picture the mother gave him, and it was that child only. Loki rushed. He dived and pushed the child on the other side of the road. But before he could cross a car bumped him and he had to be taken to a hospital. The child was saved. Loki stayed in the hospital for 2 days before he died on the third. It was a day before his birthday.
On his birthday everyone saluted him and remembered the teen who helped a woman find her child by giving his life to save him.
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