Sid needs to have sprouts and salads (S&S) in his diet as these healthy, power-packed foods will make him strong. But he doesn't like them at all. So his Mom strikes a deal with him to make him love his S&S.
Heroism lies not in strength alone but in the intention to do good and save lives. Enjoy Akash Nag's action packed story of unsung superheroes!
LnC presents renowned children's author Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) narrating a rib tickling story of a beautiful, fiery and very intelligent tigress Agni who manages to keep her lazy, dreamer tiger husband Arjun from marrying a donkey - but only by a whisker.
This tale of nuts & coconuts will have you 'shaking' with laughter. :D
"He has been by my side during the best of times and the worst of times. If it wasn’t for him, I would be somewhere, smoking a joint and dying inch by inch, rather than standing here before all of you with this beautiful trophy in my hands. This young man is my best buddy, Aamir. I dedicate this trophy to him.”
Ramendra Kumar's story ends; Avijit Sarkar's illustrations, too. Aamir and Sagar go their ways, but they've forged a friendship that lasts a lifetime. They are, after all, Friends Forever!
How does the match end? Is Sagar able to prove himself? And make Hyderabad Blues proud of him? Friends Forever and Sagar bowl the story to its end.
The hugely popular serialized teen novel written by Ramendra Kumar and illustrated by Avijit Sarkar, reaches its climax!
THE MATCH that Sagar has been waiting for! Friends Forever by Ramendra Kumar, illustrated by Avijit Sarkar, takes you through each over!
There was silence at the other end. Aamir waited with bated breath. He knew he had taken a gamble. If it worked, there was a possibility that Sagar would be in the team or else it was the end of Sagar’s career as a cricketer.
Will Sagar get a second chance? Ramendra Kumar's story is now at the base of its climax. Don't miss these last few chapters. With illustrations by Avijit Sarkar.
Sagar's challenges continue. “I was dreading this would happen one day – my past would catch up with me. Now my cricketing career is finished forever.”
Aamir's faces his toughest challenges - English Elocution and Shantanu - together. What will happen? Of course Sagar is there to cheer him on!
Enjoy Ramendra Kumar’s serialized novel Friends Forever, illustrated by Avijit Sarkar, exclusively on LnC! :)
Sagar's rigorous camp. And then, back to school where a surprise awaits him. Do you think his troubles and challenges are finally over?
Aamir helps Sagar get help. And then, more people help Sagar turn his life around. Ramendra Kumar's Friends Forever proves you can if you want.
Never even in his wildest dreams or rather nightmares could Aamir have imagined Sagar— his best friend, the sports hero, the bright and ebullient Sagar— hooked on drugs! Is there any way Aamir can help him? If Sagar was your friend would you want to help him?
“Simply take a puff and let go. Don’t ask questions, Sagar. Just enjoy,” Sanya said, smiling at him and moving a step closer.
Ramendra Kumar's story can happen with anyone. Be cautious!
Sagar begins his story. Why and how has his life become complicated?
Enjoy the mint fresh episode of Ramendra Kumar's serialized novel Friends Forever, illustrated by Avijit Sarkar, exclusively on LnC every Wednesday and Friday! 😊
Aamir knows who the thief is. But the situation is more complicated than he can imagine. What will he do? Friends Forever moves forward.
A spate of thefts in school disturb everyone's life, puzzling everyone. Do you know who could be stealing from the students?
Two children, Charu and Raghu, dodge a dozing dad to skip out of the house on bright sunny afternoon and explore the world of animals all by themselves.
Over the next few weeks Aamir got busier by the day. Gradually Aamir and Sagar ended up spending less and less time together. Sagar seemed to have found a new friend.
Friends Forever marches on exploring school life, friendship, bonding and challenges.
Aamir learns the art of public speaking from an expert Richa Tripathy. Ramendra Kumar's "Friends Forever" journeys on with Aamir and Sagar.
Nervously, Aamir removed from his pocket the sheet of paper on which he had written his speech and tried reading. How does Aamir overcome his challenges?
Everyone in the stands was on his or her feet. The roar was deafening. Aamir was standing on one leg, his heart acting like it would burst out of his rib cage and flutter around.
The cricket match hots up as Sagar faces the deadly Firdaus who is considered one of the fastest bowlers on the circuit.
He desperately wanted his friend to succeed. Cricket was Sagar’s life and his greatest ambition was to play for his school and then move on to greater heights.
Aamir had seen anger flash in Sagar’s eyes for a fleeting second. But after that momentary glimpse, it was back to the good-humoured Sagar.
What if your best friend and you have different interests? Read on to read how Sagar and Aamir live together and follow different interests.
He picked up a pencil and scribbled a few words on a piece of paper. “Pehley waala funda ekdum extra hai, Ekta Reddy!”
Aamir found that he was getting busier by the day. What with his studies, the extra emphasis on English, teaching Gopal and his involvement in Literary Club activities, he had quite a lot on his hands.
The art of public speaking was now fascinating Aamir. During the Literary Club activities, he started using every opportunity to participate in Elocution to get rid of his stage fear.
In the next session of the Literary Club Sharma Sir divided the twenty members into four groups and conducted a literary quiz. Four questions pertained to Greek mythology. Thanks to Aamir’s new found knowledge he could answer all. His team bagged the top spot and Aamir was delighted.
They had reached a small bungalow surrounded by a fence. Sagar unlatched the gate and they stepped in. Aamir looked around. A pathway led to the veranda of the house.
It took a few seconds to register and then the shock hit Aamir – it was his essay! The essay he had been quite happy with, was now being read out as a specimen of pathetic writing.
A right hook, uppercut and a couple of left hooks - in a few minutes it was all over! The attackers disappeared into the shadows from where they had appeared. Aamir and Sagar examined each other in the moonlight.
What was Aamir's welcome like at this prestigious boarding school?
Enjoy Chapter 2 of Friends Forever, the novel for teens by Ramendra Kumar serialized exclusively on LnC. Illustrations are by Avijit Sarkar.
Aamir was really excited since he knew how much he had slogged and how hard his parents had worked to make this dream come true...Two weeks later the results were declared. Aamir had topped and could now join TPS.
LnC is proud to present celebrated children's writer Ramendra Kumar's latest novel Friends Forever as an exclusive series, every Wednesday and Friday, illustrated with beautiful life-like art by renowned artist Avijit Sarkar.
An Independence Day Special Children's story by Ramendra Kumar that explores the richness of diversity, culture, traditions and values India stands for.
What happens when a horse is knifed and a gold bracelet stolen? Out on a holiday at Matheran, Aman finds himself in the middle of a chase to solve a theft. A suspense filled short story by Anantha.
The sketches are courtesy 10 year old Varun.
What happens when two aliens run out of fuel and land on earth? Chu and Chi find a solution with their human friend in this sweet short story by Sutapa Basu.
A beautiful fantasy of a little girl's dreams that come true because of her golden heart and her love for her ailing naani. Children's Day Special Story by Ramendra Kumar.
Against All Odds, the latest book for children by renowned writer Ramendra Kumar, is about three individuals, three obstacles and one passion – Football. Learning and Creativity caught up with this prolific and highly popular author for a tête-à-tête on his latest tome.
Award-winning and best-selling children's books author Ramendra Kumar conducted a session based on Against All Odds, his latest book which was recently released, in Delhi Public School, Bengaluru as a part of Bookaroo’s School Outreach programme.
"I knew the concoction that I was trying to cook, was far from yummy, as I was just trying to make do with an apologetic array of vegetables available in the swanky kitchen. Half an onion, three–fourths of a capsicum, and a couple of potatoes."
Santosh Bakaya muses over the challenges mothers face to serve up something yummy, something different for their demanding kids.
15 year old Maitri Singh pens a lovely story about humanity and compassion, tracing the travails of a Korean girl in the unfamiliar land of India.
It was purely my secret. Not even my mother knew of this monster’s existence in my life.
The very next day, at the stroke of seven, Daniel was out on the road for this dismal job of cocaine transfer.
JD, 7, has never been able to experience life on Neptune. Her whole family believed that JD had gotten the Demaker's kiss.
Shivaji and his son hid themselves in baskets containing sweets and escaped. The question is how come sweets were served to prisoners in such huge baskets?
A touching short story by Ramendra Kumar set in a circus about how animals respond to compassion and cruelty.
One whack and you’ll go flying straight into your mummy’s lap,” he jeered. Everyone burst out laughing.
It was of a tree. It hung upside down in space. Its roots pointed to the sky. Its branches dipped toward the ground.
That night, Ganu could not sleep. He had frightening visions of Jayabalan dragging him off to Lanka and pounding him with his mace.
Sahil walked up to the dais. The Principal handed him a huge rolled-up drawing sheet. As he unrolled it and looked at it, tears sprang into his eyes.
I was crying with joy and pleasure. Yes! I would help make the impossible possible. Suddenly
As soon as she came home from school, Saira let herself into the house and crept into her mother's room.
He noticed a red ball to the east. It was at some distance. It was the sun rising.
“Oh, my God, Ankur, what have you done!” he cried in dismay.Mummy rushed in from the kitchen.“How could you have been so naughty!”
Hikosaku was surprised to find that she looked more beautiful than the women residing in his neighbourhood.
They dreamt of a new world order -- a world free of corruption. A new world where there was no rich or poor. Where everyone had equal rights and wealth
As if the afternoon sun had taken a break from its duties and descended to the earth disguised as a beach ball.
All her emotions, her love, her feelings, pent up for so long rushed out…her eyes grew misty, sobs racked her body. She screamed soundlessly..
Atul couldn’t bear to hear anymore. He rushed to his room threw himself on his bed and cried his heart out.
I stared at the radio with amazement. What was there to panic? Then I heard sounds of gunshots from the cockpit.
"Oh, My God!" I exclaimed, "Is it a hijack!"
Heathcliff, it appeared, was no ordinary cat. The neighbourhood abounded with rumours that he could actually talk.
"Prince, I'm not above death. Tell me, how can you become immortal by eating a mortal?" asked the peacock
Deepak was returning from school he saw some children of his school following a man. Deepak started following them.
A cracked mirror can never be put together again," Grandpa says in utter disbelief."Want to see the magic?" I challenge him.
It was a cold December night. I was returning from a party my friend had thrown on the eve of his first marriage anniversary.
The little girl looked bewildered. She was just 8 and she felt that she had been through all the ups and downs in her life.
He had met her at his cousin's birthday party. She was working as a Public Relations executive in a Five star hotel.
Deep, deep in a dense forest, there was a small mango grove, just five or six trees on a broad ledge at the side of a hillock. Wild trees--no one had ..
Interest in the past is natural, almost organic but interest in history has to be cultivated.
What an irrelevant paper! It doesn't really help you understand the real world and real problems.
As we passed the Bata shoe shop, my mom suggested I buy a new pair of school shoes, as the ones I had were pretty worn out.
Was this her home? A 'family' of strangers with nothing to say to each other? Dead people with dead dreams.
Man first used the power to hold back the calamities of nature, and then to bring under control, all the cosmic phenomena unpropitious to the mundane world.
The world of fashion is ever changing and fashion is all about glitzy, glitter and glamour.
As the Board exams near, the tension mounts, the long nights of endless studies and revisions stretch out.
After entering the teenage years, at 14 years of age, surrounded by many coloured dreams, I too was ready to experience the heavy delight that the new life promised.