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Talk of Shades

February 1, 2016 | By

“Crimson ,the hue of early noon
A clumsy mishmash
Of ecstasy and doom”

Blue , the color of all my morns
Teeming with hope and
Shredded bygones
Crimson ,the hue of early noon
A clumsy mishmash
Of ecstasy and doom
Green , the signal of twilight
I dress up to win
A stranger’s delight
Lilac, the order of after hours
Carnal pleasures..
Rushed departures
White – the post midnight shade
Reminds me to resume
With a sparkling slate
Ah these colors.. I love them all
They help me hide the tattered doll
I know so well oh so well
Yet black is what keeps me sane
It’s velvet touch soothes my skin
Black is where I shed my shades
The chosen color of my precious sin.

More poems in New Year 2016 Literature Special

Oh Calcutta! – By Sufia Khatoon

Horizons – By Ipsita Ganguli

Poetry – By Gauri Dixit

Kadambari – By Dr Ampat Koshy

To Chiyo – By Joanna Sarah Koshy

Silverfish – By Dr Amit Shankar Saha

The Screen – By Daipayan Nair

Unearthing Life – By Anand Sehgal

Reminiscences – By Mallika Bhaumik

Musings in New Year 2016 Literature Special

I Want You to Have a Good Time – By Santosh Bakaya

Short Stories in New Year 2016 Literature Special

Noelle – By Ronald Tuhin D’Rozario

The Price of the Fumes: A Short Story – By Fatima Afshan

Ananya Chatterjee is a software professional working for Oracle India Pvt Limited. A gold-medalist in Computer Science from University Of Calcutta, Ananya has always been passionate about writing verses. She is a trilingual poet and translator in English. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller, The Poet & His Valentine, a collection of verses.  Another Soliloquy is her second book co-authored with poet Shruti Goswami. Her works have been published as part of the anthology on erotica, Hot Summer Nights 2014 by Inner Child Press Ltd., USA, as well as, as part of an anthology of Epitaphs, also by Inner Child Press Ltd., USA.  Her poems were a part of  Soulful Whispers - An Anthology of poems from the All India Poetry Competition 2014 By Poetry Society India . She was the winner of the Ekphrasis Poetry Contest at the National Poet’s Meet 2015. She has been awarded Certificate of Merit as part of Reuel International Award for Literature, 2015. Ananya also worked as a translator for the poems by actor and poet Soumitra Chatterjee, published in the book Forms Within. To find out more about her works, please visit
All Posts of Ananya Chatterjee

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    <div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ 
Claude Bernard<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
    It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ Claude Bernard