A lyrical poem with strong imagery portraying a pigeon and a nylon string.
He is white
purple-necked, black-tailed
I think of painted peace
He is white
purple-necked, black-tailed
I think of painted peace
The nylon string
has taken his fancy
He cannot stay away from it
He tugs at the loose end,
fixes his beak to it
and flies away
He is surprised
to find himself alone in flight
The string has ditched him again
He repeats the abduction tirelessly
I think of the chances
love gets to reciprocate
The string is nailed to the wall
the pigeon
to his obsession
The fifteen inch strong nylon
might strangle him some day
Love is a much surer string
More poems in New Year 2016 Literature Special
Oh Calcutta! – By Sufia Khatoon
Horizons – By Ipsita Ganguli
Poetry – By Gauri Dixit
Kadambari – By Dr Ampat Koshy
To Chiyo – By Joanna Sarah Koshy
Silverfish – By Dr Amit Shankar Saha
The Screen – By Daipayan Nair
Unearthing Life – By Anand Sehgal
Reminiscences – By Mallika Bhaumik
Talk of Shades – By Ananya Chatterjee
Musings in New Year 2016 Literature Special
I Want You to Have a Good Time – By Santosh Bakaya
Short Stories in New Year 2016 Literature Special
Noelle – By Ronald Tuhin D’Rozario
The Price of the Fumes: A Short Story – By Fatima Afshan
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Thank you Anindita Bose 🙂
Thank you 🙂