Fablery is a place where you will get to read (very soon) works of a lot of good storytellers out there.
Founder & Chief Editor of Fablery, Nethra A
Bangalore-based publishing firm Fablery was founded in 2012 by few literary enthusiasts as a writing activity, with an aim to give exposure and a publishing platform to talented storytellers.
Last year, Fablery conducted short story writing competitions and selected 10 stories from 10 different genres, and compiled them into a book named “Ten Shades Of Life” which was published by Mahaveer Publishers. Now Fablery plans to publish novellas and graphic novels under its own banner.
The venture also conducts various workshops on creative writing across the country and has organized such events in Bangalore, Kolkata and Delhi.
This December Fabery plans to organize a chain of such events at Lucknow, Delhi, Kota, Bhopal, Bangalore, Mysore, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata & Guwahati.
Fablery was founded by its Chief Editor, Nethra A, a Bangalore-based Computer Science Engineer and an MBA in Lean Operations & Systems. Her love for reading and writing fictions and her fascination for Manga (Japanese Graphic Novels) made her want to do something similar here (in India) too.
Nethra spoke about her inspirations for starting this entrepreneurial venture and Fablery’s plans in an interview to Learning and Creativity.
L&C: Fablery is an unusual name for a publishing house. Tell us about it.
Nethra: I coined “Fablery” from the word fabler – a person who invents fables. So, Fablery is a place where you will get to read (very soon) works of a lot of good story tellers out there.
L&C: What made you venture into entrepreneurship and that too in the highly competitive world of publishing?
Nethra: Even during my engineering days, I wanted to startup on my own instead of following the crowd… into the corporate world. I chose publishing industry because I love reading good stories.
I know there are people out there who read heavily and are not involved in publishing in any way, so let’s just say I am one of those lucky persons whose profession and passion are same.
Caravan is Fablery’s tour to 10 major cities of India for workshops, interactive sessions, discussions on books and creative writing.
L&C: You have been conducting literary workshops in various cities and more of such workshops are lined up for December. Tell us about the activities and focus areas of your workshops. What kind of response have you received?
Nethra: These workshops that we conduct have been for aspiring writers or poets so far, but we have increased our scope now. Bloggers, content writers and fiction readers will benefit from these sessions as much as an aspiring writer will.
Few of the focus areas of our upcoming events are “The Gap in the publishing industry – between upcoming writers, readers and publishers”, “Channelizing creativity at workplace”, “Writing for impact and creativity”, “Understanding Creativity and Creative Writing” etc. I am sure they give you a general idea about what we are doing.
And we have always received good response during these workshops. Participants always gave us positive feedback, of course along with a pointer or two to make the whole experience even better.
There was this person who was helping me in organizing the workshop in Delhi and he had no interest in creative writing whatsoever, but he said he really liked the session and he is considering writing. It may sound like an exaggeration, but trust me, it ain’t.
L&C: The graphic novels and novellas you would be publishing will be in print or ebook format?
Nethra: It will be in both print and e-book formats.
L&C: What do you think about the future of print publishing, given the fact that Kindle and Kobo eReaders are changing the face of publishing and the way in which readers read or stock up their libraries?
Nethra: Fablery is not about the medium. If print medium lives, we will print our books. If having e-books make more sense in future, then we will do that. Anyway, I don’t see the end of print medium yet.
L&C: What is the criteria under which you select manuscripts for publishing?
Nethra: Definitely, good storyline, then its commercial value, characterization, story flow, prose etc.
L&C: Tell us about your publications in the pipeline.
Nethra: Two graphic novels are in the making. We have two titles (novellas) that we are planning to release early next year and then there is an anthology – four historical short stories. There are other projects as well, but they will take another 6 months or so before they are ready to go to print.
L&C: What happened to the literary e-magazine which led to the inception of Fablery? Is it still continuing?
Nethra: When I was in college I could do only so much hence Fablery started as an e-mag. Right now the publishing work and workshops are keeping me busy but the e-mag is still there. You can still read author interviews and other such articles on Fablery’s blog, but I haven’t been updating it so often.
L&C: Publishing requires capital investment and what are your plans to fund Fablery’s creative initiatives?
Nethra: I got my business partners – Arun Shauri and Supraja Pulla – who support me financially. And also few other investors on short-term partnership basis, both Indian and foreign.
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Got a poem, story, musing or painting you would like to share with the world? Send your creative writings and expressions to editor@learningandcreativity.com
Learning and Creativity publishes articles, stories, poems, reviews, and other literary works, artworks, photographs and other publishable material contributed by writers, artists and photographers as a friendly gesture. The opinions shared by the writers, artists and photographers are their personal opinion and does not reflect the opinion of Learning and Creativity- emagazine. Images used in the posts (not including those from Learning and Creativity's own photo archives) have been procured from the contributors themselves, public forums, social networking sites, publicity releases, free photo sites such as Pixabay, Pexels, Morguefile, etc and Wikimedia Creative Commons. Please inform us if any of the images used here are copyrighted, we will pull those images down.