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The L&C-Silhouette Basket
A hand-picked basket of cherries from the world of most talked about books and popular posts on creative literature, reviews and interviews, movies and music, critiques and retrospectives ...
to enjoy, ponder, wonder & relish!
Sraosha Angel Lyall is a grade 5 student in in Our Own English High School, Sharjah. She is ten years old. Sraosha loves reading, writing stories, drawing and swimming. She gets a lot of inspiration from books and the world around her.
When all the wizards of Chocolate Island could not remove Onno's strange tail, Princess Meteora had to think of another way.
An enjoyable story by Sraosha Angel Lyall for the LnC Special Edition...
Every sunrise is the start of a new day of one's life. The sun's rays as it pours over the earth, brings in the essence of life providing the vitality to live. And it happens every morning!This motivational quote indicates Walt Whitman's love of nature.