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Riddhiman Basu is an IT Professional living and working in Kolkata. He is very passionate about Philosophy, Music, Literature and World Cinema. He pursues film studies as a hobby. He is an amateur writer of short fiction, film related articles and a singer as well.
Satyajit Ray made a cinematic adaptation of Henrick Ibsen’s landmark 1882 play, ‘An Enemy of the People’ in the year 1990, titled Ganashatru. Ray’s adaptation takes...
The Exterminating Angel is a surrealist classic that contains a lot of signature elements that have come to be associated with Bunuel’s films, like the criticism of the bourgeoisie and the church....
Manoel de Oliveira's The Strange Case of Angelica, directed at the age of 102, overwhelmed me. The subject and the poetic treatment of this surrealist film contribute to make a lasting impression on the...
The subtlety of the narration, the use of multi-layered metaphors and beautiful intertwining of dreams and reality add to the ambiguity in Un Soir Un Train....