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April 27, 2017 | By

A soulful and sensitively penned poem on autistic children, for the Autism Special Edition I of ‘Learning and Creativity’

Autism Awareness Special Edition I

Geethanjali Dilip

Can you hear music with your heart
Which bound in unseen, intangible waves

Can you paint a canvas with your thoughts?
Your lashes tremulous brushes that fine line details,
Much ignored by ordinary vision that turn indifferent to sun spots,
And mute trees, mountains and hillocks breathe sigh trails.

Can you hear music with your heart,
Which bound in unseen, intangible waves ,
From golden fleeces of clouds in lofty mountains that part,
A choir of cherubs that your soul in wonder enslaves.

Can you speak with your eyes, the deepest ponds,
That hold truths and hymns you cannot understand,
Each line and vein engraved in evergreen fronds,
Like the choices made in the very palm of my hand.

Yea I can conjure up a painting I see that you cannot,
Where I swallow my smiles with fortitude,
I seem indifferent and ignorant. That’s my lot,
And an onlooker gawks assuming it as my attitude.

Forget it! You will never learn my speech,
It talks of accepting yourself to remain dumb ,
Although I’ve said enough all along with no reach,
Somewhere I hear the word ” autistic” but now I’m kind of numb.

You can allot an entire month for all I care,
You mean well I dare say to let the likes of me to acknowledge,
Day after day is our day when we look up to a ball flare,
Tingling our nerves where we fly away to blue skies like a free fledge.

Love is not an emotion in my tribe,
It is the only language that articulates ,
If you know to reach out to me read this scribe,
Measure how much life be you can express where our silence palpitates.

Click here to read more poems on Autism Awareness in our Special 1

The Significant League is a Facebook literary group which was started by a person who has a child with autism and hence has a special interest in it which explains why every April Autism Awareness month the group tries to do something connected with autism. This time, as for last year, it has been to trying to get its members to write poems on autism. Some very fine poems have come up as result.
All Posts of The Significant League

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“A new experience can be extremely pleasurable, or extremely irritating, or somewhere in between, and you never know until you try it out.” 
― Lemony Snicket,<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
“A new experience can be extremely pleasurable, or extremely irritating, or somewhere in between, and you never know until you try it out.” ― Lemony Snicket,